Our Mission: Promoting the miniature horse breed, providing interesting activities and encouraging the education of owners and breeders in horse keeping practices.
The Idaho Miniature Horse Club was formed in 1993 to promote the miniature horse industry in Southwest Idaho. Our club members participate in educational, social, and community events, as well as registry and open horse shows.
We meet regularly, publish a newsletter, and sponsor annual awards for youth and adults. We hold clinics with expert clinicians, and we conduct play days to provide practice and encouragement in a relaxed atmosphere. We welcome all small equine, including Miniature Horses, small ponies to 48 inches, and miniature mules and donkeys. IMHC is an open club, so your equine does not have to be registered. We invite you to join us in fun activities and rewarding opportunities to strengthen your relationship with your small equine.
In the Treasure Valley area, many miniature horse and small pony owners are available and would be happy to show you what our horses can do. We invite you to call us with your questions about miniature horses.