
Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes
Heather Bunting, President Jennifer Green, Vice President Valerie Marshall, Secretary
Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Maria Redinger
Minutes of November 14th , 2024, at Sharon Dudley’s home.
Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Jane Steele, Pat Granere, Tania Laycock, Jennifer Smith, Heather and Jim Bunting, Jennifer and Lou Green, Sharon Dudley, Kelli Phillips, Debbie Carter, Donna Gramarossa, Jamey Robbins, and Donna Bernardelli.
October’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Sharon motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Jamey seconded it. Motion passed by the club.
Treasurer’s report: October’s beginning balance is $6,974.07. Payments are $20.02 from Venmo and $130.00 from Hallowed hauntings. Total payments: $150.02. Expenses are: $325.00 for ISHSA $1 entry fee, $128.00 to Sharon Dudley for year-end awards, $599.00 for insurance, $12.95 for misc., $21.68 for Hallowed hauntings expenses (flour, pens, etc.), $600.00 moved to Youth savings account, $78.59 for flowers to Tamara, $200.00 for arena rental (Birt), $212.11 for miscellaneous year end award, $43.45 for year end award, and $12.95 for misc. Total expenses: $2,233.73. There is one outstanding check for $80.00 for ISHSA reserve award. Ending balance for October is $4,810.36.
Donna is waiting for a receipt from Valerie to pay her back for hallowed hauntings expenses. Donna also reported that she has moved $600.00 over into the Youth’s saving account, but still needs to go through and find all the smaller amounts to transfer over.
Sharon made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Jamey seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club.
-Club Elections- Vote, tally, and results: Kelli, Jamey, and Pat counted the ballots. Afterwards, Jamey made a motion to have Sharon destroy the ballots. Jane seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.
IMHC 2025 Executive Committee
President- Heather Bunting
Vice President- Jennifer Green
Treasurer- Jennifer Smith
Secretary- Sharon Dudley
Director- Donna Bernardelli
-Hallowed Hauntings review: Well attended and everyone seemed to have fun! Thank you to the fun committee for putting this together!
-Turkey Trot review: Well attended and even with the hail storm, everyone had fun! Thank you to Sharon and Jennifer S. for putting this together and for Jennifer also hosting!
-Year End Awards Banquet- Saturday, December 7 th at 1pm- $10 per person.
You must RSVP no later than November 29 th . Bring a gift ($15 limit) if you want to participate in the gift exchange.
-ISHSA Representative- Heather would like to find someone else to be the representative for the club at ISHSA meetings. If you would like to take over, contact Heather.
-ISHSA Proposals- Jane- At the last ISHSA meeting it was being discussed that ISHSA would be adding these to their ballots: keeping roadster classes, adding obstacle driving classes (going off rules from previous years) and that means they are looking for insight as to when to hold obstacle driving classes during spring and fall double points, separating ponies from horses and minis (38” and under, 38”-48”, 48” and over)- just for driving classes. If these pass on the ballot, feedback was that ISHSA should clarify where they would want horses measured if there are any height protests.
-Holiday Parades- Jennifer G.- The first holiday parade coming up is in Emmett on November 30 th . This is the night time lighted parade. All lights will be red and white. If you plan to attend parking is in the Blazer Park. More information will be sent via email when it is available.
The second holiday parade is in Middleton on December 14 th . The theme is Candy Cane Lane. Jamey will oversee this one as Jennifer has prior commitments. More information will be sent via email when it is available.
-AMHA/AMHR renewal is due by 12/31/24. This renewal puts the club’s name in their
publications and online as a recognized club. Amounts will be published in the January
treasurer’s report. Jamey made a motion for the club to pay both renewals. Kelli seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.
-Mini Series clinics- Heather- There is planning to tentatively have a halter clinic in January with Paul Hyde, a pivoting clinic in February, and an obstacle clinic in March. More information to come.

-November 29th – Deadline to RSVP to the IMHC Year End Awards Banquet
-November 30th – Emmett Lighted Parade, more info to come.
-December 7th – IMHC Year End Awards Banquet, 1pm, $10 per person, at Gem and Tonic (1109 S Washington Ave, Emmett, ID) (next to Tractor Supply). YOU MUST RSVP WITH NUMBER OF PEOPLE ATTENDING IF YOU WANT TO ATTEND BY 11/29/24.
-December 13th , January 10th , February 14th , March 14th                                                       – TVW Open Driving at Birt Arena (members only)- 5 activity points each time
-December 14th – Middleton Holiday Parade- Candy Cane Lane. More info to come.
-December 14th – ISHSA Year End Awards Banquet- Tickets must be purchased by Dec. 1st . Starts at 5pm at the Trolley Station, 311 E Main St, Middleton, ID.

Door prize was won by Heather!
Jamey motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jane seconded. Motion passed by the club.
Next meeting will be January 9th , 2025, 630pm, at Sharon Dudley’s house (5020 E Feather Creek Ln, Nampa, ID)
Please bring a chair in case seating is limited.

Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall.




Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes
Heather Bunting, President Jennifer Green, Vice President Valerie Marshall, Secretary
Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Maria Redinger
Minutes of October 10th , 2024, at Sharon Dudley’s home.
Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Sharon Dudley, Heather Bunting, Jennifer and Louise Green, Tess Eastman, Kelli Phillips, Donna Gramarossa, Jennifer Smith, and Debbie Carter. 
Guest- Tammy Kirkland.
September’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Sharon motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Kelli seconded it. Motion passed by the club.
There was no treasurer’s report.
-Nominating Committee Candidate Report: After reaching out to members, there was only
volunteer for each candidate. Sharon volunteered to make and send out the ballots. Those will be in your mailboxes soon.
-Driving Play day Review: There was a nice turn out for a pleasant day. The obstacle driving clinic was also well attended. Everyone seemed to enjoy the day!
-Trail walk/drive at Eagle Island- this Sunday, October 13th .
-Hallowed Hauntings Play day: Saturday, October 19th . Fun starts at 10am! Cost is $10 per person.
-Turkey Trot: Sharon is putting on a lowkey, fun day where you can drive or do in-hand things with your ponies. She plans to have a cones course, obstacle course, jumps, etc. This will be November 2 nd from 12pm-4pm, bring your own lunch!
-Year End Banquet Menu choices: The menu was decided on at the meeting (beef brisket,
chicken alfredo, green salad, baked potato, green beans, and cheddar biscuits), it was also
discussed that there might be a cake picked up to bring for dessert. The year end banquet is December 7th, at 1pm, at The Gem and Tonic in Emmett, Idaho. More details to come.
-ISHSA Representative: Heather wants to find somebody else to be the representative to ISHSA besides herself. Nobody at the meeting volunteered, but she was going to reach out to a couple other members.
-Jennifer Green wanted to know if she should stay as the parade coordinator since there was low attendance at all parades she brought to the club. It was discussed that she maybe tries for another year to see if more members participate. It was also discussed that a public event coordinator may be a thing for in the future.  Activities require participation!
-Youth Scholarship Spotlight: Lou talked about how she used her $100 that she received through the youth scholarship. She plans to use the money to go towards building a barn for her minis. She thanks the committee and the club for the scholarship.

-October 12th Ten Mile Riding Club Desensitizing Playday at 9am (5 activity points)
-October 13th Club trail walk at Eagle Island **Depart at 10am sharp** (5 activity points)
-October 19th IMHC Hallowed Hauntings In Hand Playday at Birt Arena (5 activity points)
-October 26th -27th TVW Fall Pleasure Driving Show at Birt Arena (10 show points + placing points)
-November 2nd Turkey Trot at Sharon Dudley’s (5 activity points)
-December 7th IMHC Year End Awards Banquet at 1pm in Emmett, Idaho at The Gem and Tonic.
** Be sure to count points from all judges.

Door prize was won by Kelli Phillips!
Jennifer G. motioned to adjourn the meeting and Kelli seconded. Motion passed by the club.

Next meeting will be November 14th, 2024, at Sharon Dudley’s house, 5020 E Feather Creek Ln., Nampa, ID at 6:30pm. Please bring a chair in case seating is limited.

Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall.




Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes
Heather Bunting, President Jennifer Green, Vice President Valerie Marshall, Secretary
Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Maria Redinger
Minutes of September 12th , 2024 meeting, at Sharon Dudley’s home.
Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Felicia and Amy Humpherys, Pat Granere, Pam
MacFarlane, Jennifer Smith, Heather and Jim Bunting, Kathleen Clark, Sharon Dudley, Donna Gramarossa, Jamey Robbins, and Donna Bernardelli.
July’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Felicia motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Sharon seconded it. Motion passed by the club.
Treasurer’s report: September’s beginning balance is $6,534.02. Payments are $0.00. Total payments: $0.00. Expenses are: $0.00. Total expenses: $0.00. Ending balance for September is $6,534.02.
The youth account is almost set up and funds will be split from the general account.
Jamey made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Felicia seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club.
-Tack Sale Review: Attendance was pretty good. The booth fees equaled $140 which will be split between the youth scholarship committee and the club. The youth committee also raised $129 from food, and $157 from tack. Total money raised for the youth at the sale was $356! There is already discussion about next year and what can be improved upon.
-Driving Playday: The playday is coming up on September 15, 2024, with Obstacle driving clinic starting at 830am, and cones/derby course opening at 1030am.
-Club SWAG: Heather has a link set up that is for members only. There are multiple options for clothing and accessories. The website is www.resourcesforlittlehorses.com where you can then click on Menu, Shop, IMHC Club swag, and must register to be able to view items once your registration is accepted.
-Western Idaho Fair Review: There was good attendance for both driving and in-hand portions. Maria won Miniature horse high point with Ace, and Jamey won the Concours de elegance, High point for the horse division, the award bucket for musical freestyle, and the buckle for highest super reinsmanship score with Shady!
-Points submissions Due October 5 th (Email imhcbusiness1993@gmail.com, or mail to Valerie). Valerie asked if it made sense that when filling out declarations you would get what you chose for awards (i.e. Money with a certificate, or a trophy, or “stuff”) and the consensus said they agreed with that. Please keep in mind that the Points Committee would still like more Star Award Nominations! You can email the names of those you nominate to imhcbusiness1993@gmail.com.
-Nominating Committee: Sharon, Felicia, and Jennifer S. volunteered to be on the nominating committee. They will be contacting people before the October meeting to put together a slate of nominees for the next executive board election. It was discussed that the past president director position would be vacant into next year, so after some discussion Sharon made a motion for the executive board to appoint someone to that role if there is no past president of that year. Jamey seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club.
-Hallowed Hauntings Playday: October 19 th is the playday, games start at 10am. A flyer will be posted soon.
-Turkey Trot: Sharon decided to have a Turkey Trot at her place on November 2 nd . More
information to come.
-ISHSA Fall Double Point: Felicia asked the club if they were willing to sponsor high point or reserve high point awards for the Fall Double Point. It would be $50 for grand and $30 for reserve. Jamey made a motion to sponsor the highpoint youth, with Valerie amending to also sponsor youth reserve and in-hand 40” or less highpoint. The motion failed. Donna then motioned for the club to sponsor the Mini/Pony 40” or less Youth Highpoint and reserve. Felicia seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club.
-Youth Scholarship Spotlight: Amy talked about how she used her $100 that she received
through the youth scholarship. She was able to take her pony Apollo to Logan, UT and show at the AMHR/ASPC show there. While there she and Apollo also received a Judge’s Choice Award! She thanks the committee and the club for the scholarship that allowed her to go to the show.

-September 14 th Phantasy Phun Show at Birt Arena (3 rd and final show of the Buckskin Buckle Series)(10 show points + placing points)
-September 15 th IMHC Driving playday at Birt Arena (5 activity points)
-September 20 th Club trail walk at Eagle Island **Depart at 10am sharp** (5 activity points)
-September 28-29 th ISHSA Fall Double Point at the Idaho Horse Park- 10 show points + placing points**
-October 13 th Club trail walk at Eagle Island **Depart at 10am sharp** (5 activity points)
-October 19 th IMHC Hallowed Hauntings In Hand Playday at Birt Arena (5 activity points)
-October 26 th -27 th TVW Fall Pleasure Driving Show at Birt Arena (10 show points + placing points)
** Be sure to count points from all judges.

Door prize was won by Donna B.

Jamey motioned to adjourn the meeting and Sharon seconded. Motion passed by the club.
Next meeting will be October 10th, 2024, at Sharon Dudley’s house, 5020 E Feather Creek Ln., Nampa, ID at 6:30pm. Please bring a chair in case seating is limited.

Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall.



Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes
Heather Bunting, President Jennifer Green, Vice President Valerie Marshall, Secretary
Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Maria Redinger
Minutes of July 11 th , 2024, at Sharon Dudley’s home.
Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Maria Redinger, Jane Steele, Felicia Humpherys, Pat Granere, Tania Laycock, Pam MacFarlane, Jennifer Smith, Heather and Jim Bunting, Jennifer Green, Sharon Dudley, Kelli Phillips, Donna Gramarossa, Jamey Robbins, and Donna Bernardelli.

June’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Donna B. motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Felicia seconded it. Motion passed by the club.

Treasurer’s report: June’s beginning balance is $1,718.59. Payments are $320.28 through Venmo for declarations, $978.33 through Venmo for show fees/auction, $138.52 for miscellaneous, $210.00 for memberships/declarations, $500.00 as a donation from Hyde Away Ranch, $565.00 from the silent auction, $697.44 for youth funds, $2,604.00 from open show entry fees, $123.55 from Venmo, and $29.73 from Venmo for the Tack sale. Total payments: $6,166.85. Expenses are: $70.75 for show expenses, and $25.63 for the Star Parade. Show expenses were $900.00. The youth committee also granted scholarships to Amy Humpherys for $100.00 and Lou Green for $100.00. Total expenses: $1.196.38. There is one bounced check for $176.00 and one outstanding check for $200.00. Ending balance for May is $6,513.06.  Jennifer reported that youth kids day in Weiser made $15.26. She also reported that the youth committee had granted a scholarship of $100.00 to Brock Redinger, so a check needed to be written. It was also said as a reminder that ribbons needed to be ordered, and ISHSA still needed to be paid- once the numbers were known. Jamey made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Jennifer G. seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club.

-Emmett Cherry Festival Parade Review: Jennifer, Lou, Maria, Brock, and Valerie attended the parade. It was low attendance compared to the year prior, and a very long walk back. There was discussion to talk to someone in charge and see if it’s a possibility to have that changed.
-Star 4 th of July Parade Review: Jamey, Maria, Tamara, Alishia, Brody, Melody and family members attended this parade. The parking was a little interesting and they extended the end past the park.
-Tack Sale Update: Flyers and videos are circulating social media. Please continue to get the word out.
-Club Trail Walk July 19 th and October 20 th : Heather wanted to start the July 19 th walk earlier

– It was decided that the start time would be 830am because of the heat. It was also decided that the October 20th trail walk should be moved to October 13th so that it doesn’t fall on the same weekend as the playday.
-Western Idaho Fair: Entries are due at the beginning of August. Donna B. is still tracking down the buckle the club sponsored from last year. All information is at https://idahofair.com .
-Fiddle Festival: Jennifer, Lou, Maria, and Brock attended the Fiddle Festival in Weiser, where they had a booth with Jiggers to outreach to the community about the club and minis/ponies. The youth scholarship raised $15.26 that day and saw a lot of children.

-Club SWAG- Heather: Suave Style is no longer in service, so Heather wanted to know if the club would be interested if she were to open a site where it would be open year-round to order anything (clothes wise). Members agreed and Heather said she would try to have an example at the next meeting, along with prices and a link. It was also brought up that there should be more swag to hand out at community events like stickers, pens, etc. There will be more discussion on that.
-IMHC Show 2025: Donna B. had been approached after the club show what it would take for our show to have ranch classes again. There have been people who said they would be willing to run it. Donna is still in discussions with them to see if anything would work out for 2025.
-ISHSA Rule Proposal- Felicia: Felicia mentioned that she was sending in a proposal to ISHSA about having a PONY driving division for safety reasons. Proposals are due August 1st .
-Mock Breed Show- Sharon: Ideas were discussed about Sharon wanting to throw a mick breed show at her place later this year. There was some interest and there will be more details to come.

-July 19-21 MWMHSPO Breed show in Logan, UT- 10 show points each day + placing points**
-July 19 th Club trail walk at Eagle Island **Depart at 10am sharp** (5 activity points)
-July 21 st TVW Driving Playday at Leo VanSistine’s in Ontario, OR (5 activity oints)
-July 27 th Phantasy Phun Show at Birt Arena (3 rd and final show of the Buckskin Buckle
Series)(10 show points + placing points)
-August 10 th IMHC Tack Sale at Jennifer Smith’s place 1323 N KCID Rd., Caldwell, ID 83605

-if you would like a booth space reach out to Jennifer Green @ howlinghillsranch1@gmail.com.
-August 18 th Club trail walk at Eagle Island **Depart at 10am sharp** (5 activity points)
-August 20-21 Western Idaho Fair Driving Show- for more information and registration go to https://idahofair.com – (10 show points each day + placing points)
-August 23 rd Western Idaho Fair Registered Light Horse show- horses must have registry papers of some sort to show in this part of the fair- For more information and registration please go to https://idahofair.com – (10 show points + placing points)
-September 7 th TVPHC show at Birt Arena (10 show points + placing points)

-September 14 th IMHC Driving playday at Birt Arena (5 activity points)
-September 20 th Club trail walk at Eagle Island **Depart at 10am sharp** (5 activity points)
-September 28-29 th ISHSA Fall Double Point at the Idaho Horse Park- 10 show points + placing points**
-October 19 th IMHC Hallowed Hauntings In Hand Playday at Birt Arena (5 activity points)
-October 20 th Club trail walk at Eagle Island **Depart at 10am sharp** (5 activity points)
** Be sure to count points from all judges.

Door prize was won by Maria!
Jamey motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jennifer S. seconded. Motion passed by the club.
Next meeting will be August 8th, 2024, at Middleton Place Park, Middleton, ID at 6:30pm.
Please bring a chair in case we must meet somewhere else in the park besides under the structure.

Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall.



Minutes of June 13th, 2024, at Middleton Place Park.

Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Maria Redinger, Jane Steele, Felicia Humpherys, Pat Granere, Tania Laycock, Pam MacFarlane, Jennifer Smith, Heather and Jim Bunting, Jennifer Green, Sharon Dudley, Jamey Robbins, and Donna Bernardelli.

May’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Sharon motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Jennifer G. seconded it. Motion passed by the club.

Treasurer’s report: May’s beginning balance is $1,956.09. Payments are $0.00. Total payments: $0.00. Expenses are: $165.00 for ISHSA sponsorship and $72.50 for IBHA. Total expenses: $237.50. Ending balance for May is $1,718.59.

Felicia made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Tania seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club.


-Club Show: Heather reported that there has only been one buckle sponsorship so far, they are $50.00 each. Donna B. reported that the show made $6,811.41 in total (before subtracting any amounts due). There are still two outstanding checks for a total of $250.00. Hyde Away Ranch donated $500.00 to the club- it was discussed to send them a thank you card for the outstanding donation. Jamece (member of ISHSA, not of IMHC) walked around the horses for all the showmanship classes, and helped in many other ways throughout the show day- it was discussed to send her the Mr. V’s gift card and hats that didn’t sell in the silent auction as a thank you for her help. Tesla was also mentioned in helping with a lot of things throughout the shows- it was discussed to send her a thank you card. Many other members helped with the gates, trail, picking up manure, announcing, and overall helping the show run smoothly- THANK YOU!

The youth scholarship funds were brought up and it was discussed to create a separate savings account for the youth. Jamey made a motion, Jane seconded the motion. Motion passed by the club.

Donna B. mentioned that the Side Saddle Club had asked if the club would be willing to switch dates with them for 2025. After some discussion, the club has decided to not switch and keep the same weekend for the horse show next year.

-Silent Auction: There was a total of 65 items in the silent auction this year. 10 items were not bid on and didn’t sell. The silent auction brought in a total of $1,043.00. 16 items have not been paid for or retrieved as of yet.

There were a few suggestions from Kelli that will definitely need more discussion before next year, such as: Getting items in earlier so that they can be advertised, closing the auction around lunch time (could be anywhere between 2-4pm- up to the discretion of the judge/show staff), and having the items paid for and picked up before the end of the show, or recycled into next year’s auction, so that members can be useful in other areas and don’t have to haul items back home with them. – Just some suggestions for next year that can be talked about closer to the 2025 show.

-Cherry Festival Children’s Parade: Nothing to report, but Jennifer asked how many were going and it sounded like only her and Lou. Low attendance compared to last year.

-Barnyard Day at Eagle Public Library: Heather reported that 6 horses were there. There was lots of excitement from all the children and their parents. They are looking forward to next year!

-Tack Sale Update: Jennifer G. has put out a flyer for the tack sale with all of the information on there.


-Star 4th of July Parade: Jennifer G. said someone else would have to be the point person for this parade as she will be in another area. Jamey said she could be the contact person and Sharon said she would shuttle people from their trailers and back. Please keep an eye out for the email with more information.

-IMHC Driving Playday, September 14th: Heather is looking for insight as to what events the playday should have. Cones, barrels, and obstacle driving were mentioned. Keep an eye out for more information to come as this playday gets closer.

-Western Idaho Fair: Entries are due August 2nd, or August 5th online. The fair book with all the information is online at https://idahofair.com .

-Youth Scholarships: Pam announced there were 2 scholarships that had been completed and were ready to have checks written to Amy and Lou for $100.00 each. Tania made a motion, Felicia seconded the motion. Motion was passed by the club.


-June 14th Cherry Festival Children’s Parade in Emmett (10 activity points)

-June 16th Club trail walk at Eagle Island **Depart at 10am sharp** (5 activity points)

-July 19-21 MWMHSPO Breed show in Logan, UT- 10 show points each day + placing points**

-July 19th Club trail walk at Eagle Island **Depart at 10am sharp** (5 activity points)

-July 27th Phantasy Phun Show at Birt Arena (3rd and final show of the Buckskin Buckle Series)(10 show points + placing points)

-August 10th IMHC Tack Sale at Jennifer Smith’s place 1323 N KCID Rd., Caldwell, ID 83605 -if you would like a booth space reach out to Jennifer Green @ howlinghillsranch1@gmail.com.

-August 18th Club trail walk at Eagle Island **Depart at 10am sharp** (5 activity points)

-August 20-21 Western Idaho Fair Driving Show- for more information and registration go to https://idahofair.com – (10 show points each day + placing points)

-August 23rd Western Idaho Fair Registered Light Horse show- horses must have registry papers of some sort to show in this part of the fair- For more information and registration please go to https://idahofair.com – (10 show points + placing points)

-September 7th TVPHC show at Birt Arena (10 show points + placing points)

-September 14th IMHC Driving playday at Birt Arena (5 activity points)

-September 28-29th ISHSA Fall Double Point at the Idaho Horse Park- 10 show points + placing points**

-October 19th IMHC Hallowed Hauntings In Hand Playday at Birt Arena (5 activity points)

** Be sure to count points from all judges.

Door prize was won by Jennifer Green!

Jane motioned to adjourn the meeting and Felicia seconded. Motion passed by the club.

Next meeting will be July 11th, 2024, at Middleton Place Park, Middleton, ID at 6:30pm. Please bring a chair in case we have to meet somewhere else in the park besides under the structure.

Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall

Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes
Heather Bunting, President Jennifer Green, Vice President Valerie Marshall, Secretary
Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Maria Redinger
Minutes of May 9th , 2024, at Sharon’s house, 5020 E Feather Creek Ln., Nampa, ID.
Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Jennifer Green, Kelli Phillips, Pam MacFarlane, Kathy Clark, Heather and Jim Bunting, Felicia and Amy Humpherys, Jane Steele, Jamey Robbins, Tania Laycock, Jennifer Smith, and Sharon Dudley.
No secretary minutes to review this month. They will be ready at the next meeting.
No treasurer’s report to review this month.
-Mini Series Clinics- Heather reported that there were a total of 12 responses for the survey. The top 5 topics with the most responses were Halter, Obstacle Driving, In-hand Trail, Pivoting, and Nutrition. More information will be available soon.
-Club Show/Silent Auction: The club show on June 8 th has had to change the main judge to Tim Phillips and there will be no food truck as of right now. Keep a look out for sign-up emails to go around as there will be a need for many volunteers throughout the show.
Kelli reported that silent auction donations are still coming in. If you would like to donate
anything please get in contact with Kelli before the show.
-Parade America/Cherry Festival: Parade America is May 18 th – “Let Freedom Ring”- Judging starts at 930am, parade starts at 11am. The Cherry Festival Children’s parade is June 14 th – “Let The Cherry Times Roll” Mardi Gras theme- Check in is at 520pm, parade starts at 630pm. If you would like to participate in any parades contact Jennifer Green.
– Barnyard Day at Eagle Public Library: Tuesday, June 11 th – 2-3pm, setup by 130pm. Heather would like 10-12 minis to attend, but parking is super limited, so sharing trailers is recommended. Let Heather know if you would like to attend.
-WISK Breed show review- The weather was very windy on the first day, but the show is getting more participants every year and is always fun! The silent auction was also great!
– Youth Committee- There has been one youth scholarship completed and one more is underway.

-May 11 th Buckskin show at Birt Arena (1 st in Buckle series)- 10 show points + placing points
-May 17 th Club Trail Walk at Eagle Island- Depart at 10am sharp- 5 activity points

-May 18 th Parade America in Nampa- 10 activity points
-May 25 th SDYHC Show at Payette County Fairgrounds- 10 show points + placing points
-May 31-June 2 SRMHC Breed show in Blackfoot, ID- 10 show points each day + placing
-June 8 th IMHC Show at Birt Arena (2 nd in Buckle series)- 10 show points + placing points
-June 11 th Barnyard Day at Eagle Public Library, 2-3pm- 10 activity points
-June 14 th Cherry Festival Children’s Parade in Emmett- 10 activity points
-June 16 th Club Trail Walk at Eagle Island- Depart at 10am sharp- 5 activity points
-July 19-21 MWMHSPO Breed show in Logan, UT- 10 show points each day + placing points**
-July 19 th Club Trail walk at Eagle Island- Depart at 10am sharp- 5 activity points
-July 27 th Phantasy Phun Show at Birt Arena (3 rd in Buckle series)- 10 show points + placing points
-August 10 th Club Tack Sale @ Jennifer Smith’s in Caldwell
-August 18 th Club trail walk at Eagle Island- Depart at 10am sharp- 5 activity points
-September 7 th TVPHC Show at Birt Arena- 10 show points + placing points
-September 14 th IMHC Driving Playday at Birt Arena- 5 activity points
-September 28-29 th ISHSA Fall Double Point at the Idaho Horse Park- 10 show points + placing points**
-October 19 th IMHC Hallowed Hauntings In-Hand Playday at Birt Arena- 5 activity points
** Be sure to count points from all judges.

Door prize was won by Heather!
Jamey motioned to adjourn the meeting and Sharon seconded. Motion passed by the club.
Next meeting will be June 13 th , 2024, at Middleton Place park in Middleton. We will plan to meet under the structure, but please bring a chair in case we have to meet somewhere else in the park.

Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall.





Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes
Heather Bunting, President Jennifer Green, Vice President Valerie Marshall, Secretary
Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Maria Redinger
Minutes of April 18 th , 2024, at Sharon's house, 5020 E Feather Creek Ln., Nampa, ID.
Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Jennifer and Lou Green, Kelli Phillips, Pam MacFarlane, Kathy Clark, Heather and Jim Bunting, Felicia and Amy Humpherys, Jane Steele, Jamey Robbins, Donna Gramarossa, Tesla Driesel, Tatiana Laycock, Pat Granere, and Sharon Dudley.
March’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Sharon motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Jamey seconded it. Motion passed by the club.
Treasurer’s report: Read by Valerie. March’s beginning balance is $1,901.98. Payments are
$40.22 from Declarations, $79.08 from more Declarations, and $4.81 from the Youth Fundraiser.
Total payments: $124.11. Expenses are: $35.00 for Parade America entry, and $60.00 for Gift Cards. Total expenses: $95.00. Ending balance for March is $1,931.09.
Jamey made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Pat seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club.
-Bunny Trails: Everything is all set up at Jennifer’s place and it should be a fun day!
-Idaho Horse Expo Review: The size of the two booth spots and one stall were wrong, so Jamey is in the process of getting a partial reimbursement for that. The breed showcase went well, even though our time tends to be longer than others. There is some discussion about potentially seeing if we could have two different showcases- one for driving and the second for in-hand stuff. Jamey is also planning to ask if the mini club can possibly do a presentation outside of the breed showcase so we can have more time to showcase all the things our club does and promote the mini/pony breeds even more. Jamey will see if the WHIPS club wants to share a booth area for next year again. As always, volunteers are always needed for the booth- from both clubs- as well as setting up and tearing down the booth area.
-Youth Grant/Scholarship Committee: The committee had started with $600, and at the TSC kissing booth they received $97.44, as well as $5 through Venmo. The TSC event was a great first outing with lots of mini outreach. There is a lot of different events that the youth committee plan to attend to raise more money for the club youth!
Fiddle Festival is June 20 th – There will be a lot of kid events and Jennifer is setting up a booth with the minis for pictures. Heather will contact the club insurance to get it covered.
There are plans for some of the youth to help with making hats for the minis and sell them for fundraising around $20-$22 dollars. The Club tack sale will be on August 10 th at Jennifer Smith’s place in Caldwell. The plans are to open the sale up to the public and split the proceeds from booth fees (TBD) 50/50 between the club and the youth committee. Felicia motions to allow the youth committee, with the help of other club members, to split proceeds from booth fees 50/50, and to let the youth keep any donated proceeds. Sharon seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club. Donna has a food truck lined up for the Who Dun It series, but the youth committee will be offering breakfast items.
Jennifer wanted to know if they could make QR codes for Facebook and the club website- it was discussed that they could find free websites to make the codes on, so the committee will take care of that.
-Club Show/Silent Auction: The show has been approved by ISHSA. Heather reiterates that help is always needed throughout the show- especially at the end with all the clean-up. Kelli is still accepting donations for the silent auction. She has had quite a few businesses donate goodies. Kelli wanted to know what the club thought about if she tried putting an auction package in the silent auction. Essentially you can print out a sheet with details of an international vacation that lists out what the price entails. There is no risk because it does not have to be paid for beforehand. Club doesn’t pay for it unless it sells. Members gave her the go ahead to try it and see if it sells.
-Parade America/Cherry Festival: Parade America is May 18 th – “Let Freedom Ring”- Judging starts at 930am, parade starts at 11am. The Cherry Festival Children’s parade is June 14 th – “Let The Cherry Times Roll” Mardi Gras theme- Check in is at 520pm, parade starts at 630pm. -WISK Auction: Maria would like more donations for the WISK silent auction if anybody has any.
-Barnyard Day at Eagle Public Library: Tuesday, June 11th – 2-3pm, setup by 130pm. Heather would like 10-12 minis to attend, but parking is super limited, so sharing trailers is recommended. Let Heather know if you would like to attend.
-Mini Format Clinic Series: Heather wants to start having short, small, one topic clinics by
members or local clinicians. These don’t have to be at arenas. Potentially members places if they have the space. Heather will put together a survey about what members want to learn about.
-Monthly Trail Walks/Drives: Members wanted to start going on trail walks/drives again at Eagle Island Park. It was discussed that dates would alternate between Friday and Sunday. The third week of every month- Odd months will be Friday, even months will be Sunday. Departure time will be 10am.

-April 20 th Bunny Trails Social at Jennifer Green’s- Starts at 11AM- 5 Activity Points
-April 27-28 TVW Bombproofing Playday- 5 Activity points
-May 4-5 WISK Breed show at Caldwell Fairgrounds- 10 Show points each day + placing
-May 11 th Buckskin show at Birt Arena (1 st in Buckle series)- 10 show points + placing points
-May 25 th SDYHC Show at Payette County Fairgrounds- 10 show points + placing points

-May 31-June 2 SRMHC Breed show in Blackfoot, ID- 10 show points each day + placing
-June 8 th IMHC Show at Birt Arena (2 nd in Buckle series)- 10 show points + placing points
-July 19-21 MWMHSPO Breed show in Logan, UT- 10 show points each day + placing points**
-September 28-29 th ISHSA Fall Double Point at the Idaho Horse Park- 10 show points + placing
** Be sure to count points from all judges.

Door prize was won by Tania!
Jamey motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jane seconded. Motion passed by the club.
Next meeting will be May 9 th , 2024, at Sharon Dudley's house, 5020 E Feather Creek, Nampa, ID
at 6:30pm. Please bring a chair as seating may be limited.

Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall.



March 14 Minutes

Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes

Heather Bunting, President; Jennifer Green, Vice President

Valerie Marshall, Secretary; Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer

Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Maria Redinger

Minutes of March 14th, 2024, at Sharon’s house, 5020 E Feather Creek Ln., Nampa, ID.

Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Donna Bernardelli, Jennifer Green, Jennifer Smith, Kelli Phillips, Pam MacFarlane, Tamara Cook, Melody Walker, Kathy Clark, Heather and Jim Bunting, Donna Gramarossa, Tesla Driesel, Pat Granere, and Sharon Dudley.

January’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Sharon motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Jennifer S. seconded it. Motion passed by the club.

Treasurer’s report: January’s beginning balance is $1,923.65. Payments are $50.43 from the Year-end awards, $85.00 from memberships. Total payments: $135.43. Expenses are: $100.00 for the year-end awards venue at Gem and Tonic, $57.10 for Emmett Floral. Total expenses: $157.10. Ending balance for January is $1,901.98. Sharon made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Kelli P. seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club.  **Audit needs to be scheduled within the next couple of months.**


-2024 Declaration Forms Reminder: Declarations are due March 25th for points to count from October 6th, 2023. Declarations can be turned at any time, points won’t start to count until forms are turned in and fees paid. 

-Club Show: Donna is prepared to send in the showbill to ISHSA. Breed classes for riding may be added. A trail judge is still needed. Robin W. is going to let the judges stay at her home, which saves expenses while the judges are in town. Thank you, Robin!

-Silent Auction: Kelli P. is in charge of the auction this year. Please get in contact with her if you have anything to donate or would like to help in any way.

-Youth Grant/Scholarship Committee: Jennifer Green said the committee met twice since the last meeting. She provided information that this scholarship was made for 2 youths per year, ages (6-11) and (12-18) with a maximum sponsorship of $100.00 to be used for a variety of items, including, but not limited to: horse tack, entry fees, education, feed, dental, parade costumes, farrier, etc. Youth can apply for this opportunity once a year. The youth that can apply have to be a club member for a year, fill out an application form, volunteer for a youth sponsorship, and come to a club meeting and tell how they used the money from the sponsorship.

Kathy Clark has donated one lesson per child and a lesson for the silent auction, with any proceeds from that to go straight towards the youth sponsorship. It was also discussed to make signs for the club show to let people know they can donate to the youth sponsorship if they want. The fund is already starting out with a donation of $600.00! The committee members are already starting to get ideas for more fundraisers. They are trying to put together a food- related fundraiser, and already have someone that is food handling certified that is willing to help, whether it be at a show or elsewhere.

Jennifer, Lou, and Felicia will be at Tractor Supply in Middleton on 3/16 from 10am-5pm with one mini to let people take St. Patrick’s themed pictures. This will be a good event to ask for donations and get more outreach to the community. Jennifer asked for approval from the club if this outing could be under the club’s insurance. Heather would need to ask the insurance and get back to Jennifer. Pat made a motion for the club to endorse this activity if insurance approves. Tania seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club. 

-Parade America: Jennifer Green let the club know this parade will be May 15th. “Let Freedom Ring” is the theme. You can dress up for Armed Forces, Navy, First Responders, etc. More information will be posted soon, but this parade will be long (2.5 miles) and busy. The fee is $25.00 to enter. Jennifer wanted to ask club members if they wanted to participate as the club. Sharon made a motion for the club to pay the fee and participate in the parade. Kelli seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club. 

-Bunny Trail: Jennifer Green is holding this fun event at her place in Weiser on April 20th at 11am. A flyer will be posted when this event gets closer.


-Idaho Horse Expo: April 5-7 at the Idaho Horse Park. Breed demonstration for the minis will be on Friday at 2:30pm. We will be sharing a double booth with the WHIPS club. Sign-ups are available for the booth. If you are interested in signing up get in contact with Donna B. or Jamey. 

-WISK Sponsorship: Valerie brought in a form to see if the club would be willing to sponsor or donate anything towards the WISK show in May. Heather let the members know that the club could sponsor specific classes, donate a certain amount, or pay a show sponsorship fee of $250.00. Donna B. made a motion that the club pay a show sponsorship of $250.00. Sharon seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club.

-Cherry Festival, Children’s Parade: This parade will be on June 14th, 6:30pm in Emmett. Theme is “Let The Cherry Times Roll”. There will be more information available when it is posted.


-March 15, & 22 TVPHC Winter Warm Up Show Series at Birt Arena- 5 show points + placing points for each show- Halter and showmanship classes for minis

-April 5-7 Idaho Horse Expo- 5 Activity point

April 12-14 ISHSA Spring Double Point- 10 show points each day + placing points**

Mini in-hand and driving classes are on Saturday 4/13 & in-hand trail is on 4/14

-April 27-28 TVW Bombproofing Playday- 5 Activity points 

-May 4-5 WISK Breed show at Caldwell Fairgrounds- 10 Show points each day + placing points**

-May 11th Buckskin show at Birt Arena (1st in Buckle series)- 10 show points + placing points

-May 25th SDYHC Show at Payette County Fairgrounds- 10 show points + placing points

-May 31-June 2 SRMHC Breed show in Blackfoot, ID- 10 show points each day + placing points**

-June 8th IMHC Show at Birt Arena (2nd in Buckle series)- 10 show points + placing points

-July 19-21 MWMHSPO Breed show in Logan, UT- 10 show points each day + placing points**

-September 28-29th ISHSA Fall Double Point at the Idaho Horse Park- 10 show points + placing points**

** Be sure to count points from all judges.

Door prize was won by Heather!

Sharon motioned to adjourn the meeting and Kathy seconded. Motion passed by the club.

Next meeting will be April 11th, 2024, at Sharon Dudley’s house, 5020 E Feather Creek, Nampa, ID at 6:30pm. Please bring a chair as seating may be limited.

Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall

 Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes

Heather Bunting, President; Jennifer Green, Vice President; Valerie Marshall, Secretary;

Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer; Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Maria Redinger

Minutes of February 8th, 2024, at Sharon’s house, 5020 E Feather Creek Ln., Nampa, ID.

Jennifer G. brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.


Those in attendance: Jamey Robbins, Felicia and Amy Humpherys, Jane Steele, Valerie Marshall, Donna Bernardelli, Jennifer and Lou Green, Jennifer Smith, Kelli Phillip, Pam MacFarlane, Tamara Cook, Melody Walker, Sue Todd, Kathy Clark, and Sharon Dudley.

November’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Felicia motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Jennifer S. seconded it. Motion passed by the club.

Treasurer’s report: January’s beginning balance is $2,601.80. Payments are $40.04 from the Year-end banquet, $195.00 from memberships, and $281.00 from the Banquet. Total payments: $516.04. Expenses are: $359.27 for the year-end awards at Witco and $802.00 for the year-end banquet at Louie’s. Total expenses: $1,161.27. Ending balance for January is $1,956.57.

After some discussion, it was decided the club would sponsor a $50.00 prize for the Western Idaho Fair, only after Donna B. gets in contact with Sabrina to verify last year’s award.

Jamey made a motion for the club to sponsor a $50.00 prize for the fair, only if needed once Donna figures out about last year. Jane seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club.

Donna was asked by ISHSA if the mini club would sponsor the youth and small cart driving awards for Spring Double Point. Sharon made a motion for the club to pay the $55 sponsorship for the Youth award at Spring Double Point. Felicia seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club. Felicia made a motion for the club to pay the $55 sponsorship for the Small Cart Driving award at the Spring Double Point. Jamey seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club. Donna will be asking ISHSA if In-Hand 40” and under still needs a sponsorship.

Sharon made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Jamey seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club.


-Year End Banquet/New Venue- Sharon and Valerie talked about how the prices of everything are going up, and at the last banquet Louie’s was quite expensive. The points/awards committee has been looking into new venues. The Nampa Grange was one and has openings in December. There are multiple places to park, opened to outside catering, and would be around $200.00 to rent the space. Gem and Tonic in Emmett was the second option. December 7th is available (first Saturday), the cost would be $200.00 for 5 hours with a $50.00 clean up fee (only if we don’t do it ourselves), and they offer buffet-style catering at $12.00 per person- or we could bring in outside catering. After some discussion, Donna made a motion for Heather to reserve the December 7th date at the Gem and Tonic (with catering). Jamey seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club.


-2024 Declarations/Forms Update- Valerie let everyone know that all the forms are updated and on the website. A few things have been taken out, or reworded, but everything is explained on the Guidelines pages. There was an electronic vote put out at the end of January, for members to vote on whether the

club would be adding a $10.00 fee per declaration or not. The reason for this is because the prices of awards are going up and this is to help offset the cost for the club. The ending vote was 14- yes, 2- no. Valerie let members know to keep that in mind, as it will be taking effect for this year.

-Award Sponsorships/Fundraising- Sharon asked members if they would be inclined for the club to ask for sponsorships for year-end awards or come up with different fundraising ideas throughout the year. The club prefers to come up with different fundraising ideas. Look out for more details.

-Bunny Trail- Jennifer Green asked if the members would be interested in her hosting the Bunny Trails event again this year, and if so, what date would work. Members wanted the event to continue, and the only open date was April 20th, 11am. Look for more information to come.

-Club Show- Donna reported that the show was moved up a month to JUNE 8th to help Melinda and Al Birt as they had a lot of events in July. Donna also said she has a show secretary hired for all three shows (Buckskin, Mini, and Phantasy), Shawn Charters, and is still looking for a trail/driving judge. She still needs to ask if PNQHA wants to run the Ranch classes again this year, or if it would be beneficial to cut the Ranch classes from the show. Donna is also trying to make sure that showbill is the same for all three shows (this includes our specialty mini classes of Mini/Pony Hunter, Obstacle Driving, and Youth Pleasure Driving), but this can only happen if we have enough volunteers that are willing to help set up and tear down obstacles as needed. More information to come.

-Club Show Silent Auction- In absence of Maria, Valerie asked the members if anyone was interested in being the head of outing the silent auction and items together, as Maria wants to step back. She is still willing to help where needed, but is also running the WISK auction, and it’s difficult doing both. Sharon volunteered to be a central drop off zone for items/baskets and Kelli Phillips volunteered to run the auction. With the show being moved up to June 8th it is never too early to start looking for items/making baskets for the silent auction! Show your support!

-Parade America- Jennifer Green let the members know about Parade America in Nampa. It would be May 18th. She let members know that the route is usually 2.5 miles, and the wait is long, the crowd is large and loud, but the parade is fun. She asked if the club wanted to participate, the fee is $25.00. It was tabled until there was more information. Jennifer said she would send out an email with more information and see how many members would be interested before the club decided to pay the fee.

-Amazon- Felicia mentioned that her work (Amazon) had a department that allows dogs to come and help boost morale of employees, and she had asked them if they would be willing to allow miniature horses to come and do the same. They were open to the idea, only if the club was, as they would need to make sure whoever came had insurance. The horses would be in a certain section of the parking lot for an hour and a half, between 5-6:30pm. Valerie will pass it on to Heather and see if our insurance policy covers it.

-Tack Sale- Jennifer Smith wanted to know if the club would still want to do a tack sale, as she has volunteered her place. There was interest, and it was decided that spring is too busy, so it will be discussed later for the fall.

-Youth Scholarship Fund- Pam mentioned that she remembered someone mentioning a youth scholarship program for youth showing at local shows some time last year. She wanted to know if anyone was interested in pursuing that program. Pam, Felicia, Jennifer G., and Kelli volunteered to be part of that, so they will get together and discuss ideas to bring to the next meeting.


-Feb. 9th & March 8th TVW Open Driving at Birt Arena (members only)- 5 Activity points each time

-Feb. 24th TVW Beginning Carriage Driving Clinic at Birt Arena (audit only)- 1 Activity Point

-March 1, 8, 15, & 22 TVPHC Winter Warm Up Show Series at Birt Arena- 5 show points + placing points for each show- Halter and showmanship classes for minis

-April 5-7 Idaho Horse Expo- 5 Activity points

-April 12-14 ISHSA Spring Double Point- 10 show points each day + placing points**

-Mini in-hand and driving classes are on Saturday 4/13 & in-hand trail is on 4/14

-April 27-28 TVW Bombproofing Playday- 5 Activity points

-May 4-5 WISK Breed show at Caldwell Fairgrounds- 10 Show points each day + placing points**

-May 11th Buckskin show at Birt Arena (1st in Buckle series)- 10 show points + placing points

-May 25th SDYHC Show at Payette County Fairgrounds- 10 show points + placing points

-May 31-June 2 SRMHC Breed show in Blackfoot, ID- 10 show points each day + placing points**

-June 8th IMHC Show at Birt Arena (2nd in Buckle series)- 10 show points + placing points

-July 19-21 MWMHSPO Breed show in Logan, UT- 10 show points each day + placing points**

** Be sure to count points from all judges.

Door prize will be brought to the next meeting by Jamey!

Jamey motioned to adjourn the meeting and Sharon seconded. Motion passed by the club.

Next meeting will be March 14th, 2024, at Sharon Dudley’s house, 5020 E Feather Creek, Nampa, ID at 6:30pm. Please bring a chair as seating may be limited.


Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall.




Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes

Heather Bunting, President Jennifer Green, Vice President Valerie Marshall, Secretary
Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Maria Redinger

Minutes of November 9th, 2023, at Sharon’s house, 5020 E Feather Creek Ln., Nampa, ID.

Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

Those in attendance: Jamey Robbins, Heather and Jim Bunting, Felicia and Amy Humpherys, Jane Steele, Valerie Marshall, Donna Bernardelli, Donna Gramarossa, Pat Granere, Jennifer and Lou Green, Jennifer Smith, Valerie Ellis, Kelli Phillip, Pam MacFarlane, Maria and Brock Redinger, and Sharon Dudley.

October’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Jamey motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Maria seconded it. Motion passed by the club.

Treasurer’s report: October’s beginning balance is $3,431.28. Payments are $265.00 from the Hallowed Hauntings and $10.00 from the silent auction. Expenses are: $14.30 for ball bags from Amazon, $6.34 for envelopes from Bi-Mart, $123.95 for Year-end, $39.60 for Stamps, $290.46 for Year-end, $150.00 to ISHSA for Versatility sponsorship. Total expenses: $624.65. $50.00 is still with the secretary. Ending balance for September is $2,839.69.

Donna said the buckles expense for the Who Dun It series should be around $400.00 for the mini club portion, maybe less. Reserves still need to be figured out.

Felicia made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Maria seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.


-Club Elections Vote Tally & Results- Pat, Felicia, and Valerie Ellis counted the ballots.

2024 Executive Board:

President- Heather Bunting

Vice President- Jennifer Green

Treasurer- Donna Bernardelli

Secretary- Valerie Marshall

Director- Jamey Robbins

Director- Sharon Dudley

Jamey made a motion to accept the ballots and have Sharon destroy them. Sharon seconded the motion and it passed by the club.

-Halloween Haunting Playday- Expense wise, the club broke even. Heather and the fun committee would like to have any ideas to make more challenging “walk-only” games. The playday was well attended!

-Driving Cones Check Out Policy- Jamey reported that if anyone wants to check out cones to just email her and she can email back the form.

-Credit Card Processing Options- An accounting email for PayPal and Venmo has been set up, so the accounts should be available soon.

-2024 Idaho Horse Expo- Jamey reported that a normal booth size is $225.00, and a double booth size is $400.00. Getting two booths and splitting with the WHIPS actually saves the club a little money. Jamey also mentioned that the expo is wanting to do some kind of driving competition. More information to come on that when the expo decides. Felicia made a motion to split the booth fee with the WHIPS club. Valerie Ellis seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.

-Magic on Main Street Lighted Parade in Emmett- Heather had previously asked Jennifer Green if she would be willing to be the club’s Parade Coordinator. Jennifer said that she would. It was discussed that dress up for the Emmett parade would be red and white clothes covered in lights. Staging starts at 3pm in Blaser Park, but the parade doesn’t start until 6pm. An email with all the information will be sent out soon.


-IMHC Year End Awards Banquet- Menu selection was made and it will be Caesar salad, lasagna, cheese tortellini with alfredo sauce, mud pie, and cheesecake. YOU MUST RSVP with how many people you plan to bring. We don’t want to be short on food or chairs! Please RSVP to imhcbusiness1993@gmail.com.

-AMHA/AMHR Renewals- Heather brought up that renewals were due for these associations. Both cost $25.00 and it puts our clubs name out in the publishing of each association. Jamey motioned the club pay the renewal fees for both. Felicia seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.

-Middleton Christmas Parade- It was reported that the parade is on December 9th with the theme Christmas in Toyland. Meet up at Middleton Middle School, lineup is at 12:30pm, judging at 1:30pm, parade starts at 2pm. There is a $25.00 entry fee. Sharon made a motion for the club to pay the entry fee. Pam seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.


-November 25th – Magic on Main Street Lighted Parade in Emmett- 10 Activity Points

-December 2nd – IMHC Year End Awards Banquet @ Louie’s in Meridian, ID @ 1:30PM- YOU MUST RSVP IF YOU AND ANY OTHER GUESTS WISH TO ATTEND.

-December 9th – Middleton Parade Christmas in Toyland- 10 Activity Points

Door prize was won by Jamey!

Jamey motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jane seconded. Motion passed by the club.

Next meeting will be January 11th, 2024 at Sharon Dudley’s house, 5020 E Feather Creek, Nampa, ID at 6:30pm. Please bring a chair as seating may be limited.

Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall.









Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes
Heather Bunting, President Jennifer Green, Vice President Valerie Marshall, Secretary
Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Maria Redinger
Minutes of October 12th, 2023, at Sharon’s house, 5020 E Feather Creek Ln., Nampa, ID.
Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Those in attendance: Jamey Robbins, Heather Bunting, Felicia Humpherys, Jane Steele, Valerie Marshall, Donna Bernardelli, Priscilla Castillo, Donna Gramarossa, Janet Fries, Pam MacFarlane, Kathleen Clark, Tania Laycock, Maria and Brock Redinger, and Sharon Dudley.
Septemeber’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Jamey motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Felicia seconded it. Motion passed by the club.
Treasurer’s report: September’s beginning balance is $3,715.91. Payments are $230.00 for Misc and $138.00 in deposits. Expenses are: $599.00 for American Reliable Insurance, $27.13 for Amazon- Halloween, and $26.50 for Mixed Greens-VSC. Outstanding checks is $41.94 for Donna B.- Pole for banner. $50.00 is still with the secretary. Ending balance for September is $3,431.28. Sharon made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Maria seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.
-Halloween Haunting Playday- October 21st, starts at 10am, $10 per person, BYOL and BYOD.
-Club Elections- Jamey reported that the existing board of executives are the only nominations for 2024. It was decided that Jamey will make and send out the ballots. Donna G. will be the receiver for the ballots. After some discussion Sharon made a motion to include stamps on the return envelopes this year, as well as to add a survey at the bottom of the ballots to explore other options (online or keep mailing).
Felicia seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.
-Driving Cones Check Out Policy Input- Discussion included that a contract would be made up so that the responsible party would accept any damage made. Check-out time would be 2 weeks. Cones will stay at Donna B and Jamey’s house, where they must be picked up and dropped off. More details will be worked out as time passes. Maria made a motion to have Jamey look for a storage container for the balls off the cones to keep them together. Jane seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.
-Credit Card Processing Options- It was discussed that the club would like to open electronic accounts to have people pay by card at the show and for the silent auction. Venmo, PayPal, and Square were options. After some discussion it was decided that the club could add a card fee to combat the percentage Venmo and PayPal would keep. Jamey made a motion to set up an account with Venmo and PayPal. Maria seconded the motion and it was passed by the club. Heather will set up the accounts.
-ISHSA Fall Double Point Review- Low numbers in mini classes, as well as big horse classes. There were no youth so the club did not pay for the sponsorship. Donna B suggested that maybe the club should offer to pay for the youth’s entry fees instead of the buckle. Discussion was tabled until February.
-ISHSA Miniature Breed Versatility Year End Award Sponsorship- ISHSA is looking for sponsorship for the breed versatility award. Sponsorship would be $150.00. Jamey motioned that the club pays the sponsorship. Felicia seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.
-Magic on Main Street Lighted Parade in Emmett- Heather wanted to let members know that the parade is November 25th. She wanted to see who would be willing to take point in organizing members that were interested. Jamey was volunteered and accepted. Heather will send in the sign up sheet for the club, which has no cost. More details to follow.
-2024 Horse Expo- Jamey reported that the Treasure Valley WHIPS was interested in sharing a space with the mini club at the next horse expo. The idea is the mini club would have their normal space and horse stall, then the WHIPS would be beside our space with a harness and cart set up. They are willing to split the fee and will also have members at the booth with mini club members. Jamey was going to reach out to the Horse Expo and see what they say. She will have more information in November.

-October 21st- Halloween Haunting Playday @ Birt Arena- 5 Activity Points

-October 28th- 29th– TVW Fall Pleasure Driving Show @ Birt Arena- 10 show points + placing points

-November 25th– Magic on Main Street Lighted Parade in Emmett- 10 Activity Points

-December 2nd– IMHC Year End Awards Banquet @ Louie’s in Meridian, ID @ 1:30PM- YOU MUST RSVP IF YOU AND ANY OTHER GUESTS WISH TO ATTEND.
Door prize was won by Jane!
Jamey motioned to adjourn the meeting and Maria seconded. Motion passed by the club.
Next meeting will be November 9th at Sharon Dudley’s house, 5020 E Feather Creek, Nampa, ID at 6:30pm. Please bring a chair as seating may be limited.

Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall.



Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes
Heather Bunting, President

Jennifer Green, Vice President

Valerie Marshall, Secretary
Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer 

Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Maria Redinger

Minutes of September 14th, 2023, at Middleton Place Park, Middleton, ID.
Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Those in attendance: Jamey Robbins, Heather and Jim Bunting, Felicia Humpherys, Jane Steele, Valerie Marshall, Donna Bernardelli, Tamara Cook, Melody Walker, and Sharon Dudley.
August’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Jamey motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Felicia seconded it. Motion passed by the club.
Treasurer’s report: July’s beginning balance is $5,248.09. Payments are $240.00 for Misc deposits. Expenses are: $56.18 for Maria buying Ribbons. Outstanding checks are $316.00 for ISHSA and $1,400.00 for Teresa Kandianis- Driving Cones. $50.00 is still with the secretary. Ending balance for July is $3,715.91.
Donna reported that a new rod for the parade banner was $41.94. Felicia made a motion for the club to reimburse Donna. Sharon seconded the motion and it was passed by the club. Donna also reported the driving cones the club bought is going to be 40 cones with balls, sleeves, and letters. They will be delivered by the person judging the WHIPS driving show in October. The cost to help with gas and transport the cones was $200.00.
Sharon made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Tamara seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.

-Club Equipment Investment- There was some discussion about how the cones could be rented or utilized within the club. Heather and Donna would appreciate any feedback on how they can be used.
-Club SWAG- Don’t forget to order swag online with Suave Stylez if you haven’t already. The website is suavestylez.com.
-Halloween Haunting Playday- October 21st, starts at 10AM at Birt Arena. Games will be the same as prior years. Bring your minis/ponies any enjoy a fun day!

-Club Elections Nomination Committee- Nominations are due at October meeting. A committee needs to be gathered. You can be on the committee as long as you do not plan on running for an office for 2024.
Please let Heather know ASAP if you would like to be on this committee.
-Western Idaho Fair Review- Members that attended the driving portion said it was interesting, as the arena was too wet to drive in, so they postponed for a day and then ended up setting up the driving on the old race track. They still had fun, even with low attendance. The registered light horse show (in-hand portion) also had low attendance. It was brought up that no one qualified for the high point that was sponsored by the club so Donna said she would get in contact with someone in charge to figure out what happens with the sponsorship.
-ISHSA Fall Double Point- Youth Mini High Point still needs a sponsor, so Felicia asked if the club would sponsor it. The sponsor is $100.00. Jamey motioned the club sponsor the High point youth award for the Fall Double Point show. Sharon seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.
-September 22nd-24th- ISHSA Fall Double Point @ Ford Idaho Center- 10 Show Points + Placing Points (Mini in-hand & driving classes on Saturday 9/23, & Sunday, 9/24 will be In-Hand Trail Only.)

-October 21st- Halloween Haunting Playday @ Birt Arena- 5 Activity Points

-October 28th- 29th– TVW Fall Pleasure Driving Show @ Birt Arena- 10 show points + placing points

-December 2nd– IMHC Year End Awards Banquet @ Louie’s in Meridian, ID @ 1PM- YOU MUST RSVP IF YOU AND ANY OTHER GUESTS WISH TO ATTEND.

Door prize was won by Valerie!
Jamey motioned to adjourn the meeting and Tamara seconded. Motion passed by the club.
Next meeting will be October 12th at Sharon Dudley’s house, , ID at 6:30pm. Please bring a chair as seating may be limited.

Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall.





Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes

Heather Bunting, President Jennifer Green, Vice President Valerie Marshall, Secretary

Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer

Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Maria Redinger

Minutes of August 10th, 2023, at Middleton Place Park, Middleton, ID.

Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

Those in attendance: Jennifer, Molly, and Lou Green, Tania Laycock, Jamey Robbins, Jennifer Smith, Donna Gramarossa, Pam MacFarlane, Heather and Jim Bunting, Felicia and Amy Humpherys, Jane Steele, Valerie Marshall, Maria Redinger, Donna Bernardelli, Tamara Cook, and Kelli Phillips.

July’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Maria motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Felicia seconded it. Motion passed by the club.

Treasurer’s report: June’s beginning balance is N/A. Payments are $. Total payments are $. Expenses are: $00.00. Outstanding checks are $. $50.00 is still with the secretary. Ending balance for June is $5,248.09. A new banner was purchased for $90.00 for parades, etc. Show financials: Class fees came out to: $3,824.00. Silent Auction made: $591.00. ISHSA pay back for horse fees: $316.00. Profit made off of show: $657.26. Maria mentioned she had to buy an emergency pack of ribbons before the show which cost $56.18. Felicia made a motion the club pay back Maria for the ribbons and Tania seconded the motion. Motion passed by the club. Donna said the $50.00 with the secretary could go to Maria and the rest would be written in a check. Jennifer made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Felicia seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.


– Club SWAG- Maria asked the club if they would be willing to use Suave Stylez, that is owned by Cooper Harrigfeld, for club swag. He would be willing to do sweatshirts($40), t-shirts($25), hats($20), and vests($40). There would be an online link to order and pay. The club discussed that they were willing to go with this option. Donna made a motion that Maria contact Cooper for swag and get an online link. Jennifer S. seconded the motion, and it was passed by the club. The website is suavestylez.com.


-September Driving Playday(September 9th)- Play day has been canceled this year only to let the Phantasy Phun show (3rd and final show in the Who Dun It Buckle Series) move dates because of the heat.

-Year End Banquet- Members discussed if they wanted to stay with having the banquet at Louie’s in Meridian. It was agreed everyone wanted to remain at Louie’s. Depending on availability, members agreed on having the banquet December 2nd at 1pm. YOU MUST RSVP TO THIS EVENT WITH HOW MANY POEPLE YOU WOULD BRING SO WE CAN GET ENOUGH FOOD. More details will be shared when available.


-Halloween Play Day (October 21st)- This play day will be happening, and more information will be available at the next meeting.

-Club Equipment Investment- Driving Cones- Donna brought up that the WHIPS club was going to be selling their old driving cones as they were getting new ones. She wanted to know if the mini club would be interested in purchasing the old set, or possibly buying a new set when the WHIPS did. After some discussion it was decided there was interest in the club having a set of driving cones, but Donna would ask the WHIPS club what they were going to decide to do with the old cones.

-Club Venmo/PayPal/Square Account- Heather brought up that it has always been an issue at the show or other events where people wanted to pay with a card somehow, as well as for the silent auction. Members discussed options and fees, and it was decided that Heather would look into more of the details and see if it would be worth doing for the club.



-August 12th TVEEC show @ Emmett Fairgrounds, Emmett, ID- 10 show points + placing points

-August 22nd – 23rd Western Idaho Fair Driving Show in Boise, ID- 10 show points + placing points)

-August 25th – 26th Western Idaho Fair Registered Light Horse Show in Boise, ID (In-Hand events only, no driving)- 10 show points + placing points

-September 2nd – TVPHC Show @ Birt Arena- 10 Show Points + Placing Points

-September 9th – Phantasy Phun Show (3rd and final of Who Dun It buckle series) @ Birt Arena- 10 show points + placing points

-September 22nd -24th – ISHSA Fall Double Point @ Ford Idaho Center- 10 Show Points + Placing Points (Mini in-hand & driving classes on Saturday 9/23, & Sunday, 9/24 will be In-Hand Trail Only.)


-October 21st – Halloween Haunting Playday @ Birt Arena- 5 Activity Points

-October 28th – 29th – TVW Fall Pleasure Driving Show @ Birt Arena- 10 show points + placing points

Door prize was won by Jamey Robbins!

Maria motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jamey seconded. Motion passed by the club.

Next meeting will be September 14th at Middleton Place Park, Middleton, ID at 6:30pm. Please bring a chair if we cannot meet under the shelter.


Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall.




Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes

Heather Bunting, President Jennifer Green, Vice President Valerie Marshall, Secretary

Donna Bernadelli, Treasurer Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Maria Redinger

Minutes of July 13th, 2023, at Middleton Place Park, Middleton, ID.

Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

Those in attendance: Jennifer Green, Tania Laycock, Jamey Robbins, Jennifer Smith, Donna Gramarossa, Pam MacFarlane, and Heather and Jim Bunting.

June’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Jamey motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Jennifer S. seconded it. Motion passed by the club.

Treasurer’s report: Donna B. was absent, so there was no report.


-Emmett Cherry Festival Children’s Parade(June 16th )- The parade was a big hit. The club won the horse division and had 15 horses/people participate! The police escort to help the club back to the trailers was very much appreciated.

-Eagle Library Barnyard Day(July 6th )- Members that attended said it was well run and well attended. There were 269 kids who got to pet and enjoy 10 mini horses. Horses were well behaved and there were many positive interactions comments.

– Club Show (July 8th)- The show went smooth and was well run. No finished numbers as of yet, but it was well attended.

– Tack Sale (June 17th)- The tack sale was very small with only 6 vendors, but there was good conversations and trading/shopping that took place. Jennifer Smith has said she would be willing to host the next one if the club wants it.

– Club SWAG- The club swag will not be coming from Pullover Prints, and Maria is looking into other options to get the club what they want.

– Star 4th of July Parade- The parade was great and had better crowd control between the club members and city officials. There was good club attendance with a couple nervous horses, but members worked together to help horses calm down and make it through the parade without any issues.


-Western Idaho Fair(August 18-27)- Deadlines are coming up in early August, please check the website for any rules or deadlines. You must pre-enter. The driving show at the fairgrounds follows ADS rules, so you must have a header available at any time. Horses MUST be registered (any kind of papers from a registry or association) for the Light Horse Show (in-hand classes). Check the Fair book for rules.

-September Driving Playday(September 9th)- Play day is now in the planning stages. This will encompass all levels and include ground driving.

-There is a WHIPS meeting coming up that will include driving and a potluck. Check their schedule for details.


-July 14-17 MWMHSPO Breed show in Logan, UT- 10 show points + placing points

-July 22nd Phantasy Phun show (3/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points

-August 12th TVEEC show @ Emmett Fairgrounds, Emmett, ID- 10 show points + placing points

-August 22nd – 23rd Western Idaho Fair Driving Show in Boise, ID- 10 show points + placing points)

-August 25th – 26th Western Idaho Fair Registered Light Horse Show in Boise, ID (In-Hand events only, no driving)- 10 show points + placing points

-September 2nd – TVPHC Show @ Birt Arena- 10 Show Points + Placing Points

-September 9th – IMHC Driving Playday @ Birt Arena- 5 Activity Points

-September 22nd -24th – ISHSA Fall Double Point @ Ford Idaho Center- 10 Show Points + Placing Points (Mini in-hand & driving classes on Saturday 9/23, & Sunday, 9/24 will be In-Hand Trail Only.)

-October 21st – Halloween Haunting Playday @ Birt Arena- 5 Activity Points

Door prize was won by Heather Bunting!

Jamey motioned to adjourn the meeting and Pam seconded. Motion passed by the club.

Next meeting will be August 10th at Middleton Place Park, Middleton, ID at 6:30pm. Please bring a chair if we cannot meet under the shelter.

Minutes taken by Jennifer Green in the Secretary’s absence.

Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall.








Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes
Heather Bunting, President Jennifer Green, Vice President Valerie Marshall, Secretary
Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Maria Redinger

Minutes of June 8th, 2023, at Middleton Place Park, Middleton, ID.

Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Felicia and Amy Humpherys, Jennifer and Louise Green, Tamara Cook, Tania Laycock, Kathleen Clark, Jamey Robbins, Jennifer Smith, Donna Gramarossa, Maria Redinger, Janet Contreras, and Heather and Jim Bunting.

May’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Jamey motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Maria seconded it. Motion passed by the club.

Treasurer’s report: Donna B. was absent, but sent the report via email. May’s beginning balance is $3,902.17. Payments are $50.00 in memberships, $1,305.00 in Drew McDannald proceeds, and $17.00 in SWAG. Total payments are $1,372.00. Expenses are: $00.00. Outstanding checks are $300.00 for the Idaho Horse Council. $50.00 is still with the secretary. Ending balance for March is $5,274.17. Heather brought up that there was an outstanding bill for the club’s insurance. Since there were other events added to this year insurance needed another $43.00. Jamey made a motion for the club to pay that to the insurance. Felicia seconded the motion and it was passed by the club. Felicia made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Jamey seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.


– IMHC Skill Building Day (May 13th)- Heather reported that the clinic was lowly attended, but those that did attend had lots of fun!Some stations had no attendance, so there may be a few things to work out for next year.

– Drew McDannald Clinic (May 27th)- The clinic was well attended and all who were there had good things to say. Everyone seemed to have a good time and learn new things. Sharon was absent, but Valerie asked the membership if the club would approve to reimburse Jan and Sharon for a total of $347.31 that was spent on food and ice, which was more than originally approved by the club. It was also asked if the club would reimburse Jan for the $200.00 she spent on a porta potty. This was not a decision made by the club, but members thought it would be a good thing to give back. All of the entry fees for the clinic were to go back to Drew for his airfare. After some discussion, Felicia made a motion for the club to pay the $347.31 to Jan and Sharon for food and ice, as well as the $200.00 to Jan for the porta potty, and to reimburse Drew for his flight with the $1,570.00 in entry fees. Jamey seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.

– Club Show (July 8th)- Heather wanted to stress that volunteers for the show were going to be needed to help it run smoothly all day. A sign up sheet was passed around, and will also be posted online shortly. It was brought up that some members had asked if there could be a youth high point and reserve for mini classes at our club show. It was decided that the club could do that. Some ideas for prizes were thrown around. Jamey said she still had leftover buckets and horse goodies from when the club did high points a couple years ago. Jamey motioned to have a budget on the making of the high point and reserve be $150.00. Felicia seconded the motion and it was passed by the club. Heather also has buckle sponsorship sheets to help with the cost of buckles for the series. If you would like to sponsor, please get a hold of Heather. There are a few sponsorships already, but more would be greatly appreciated. PNQHA will be running the Ranch classes at all of the Buckskin-Mini-Phun series shows. Phantasy Phun show will not be ISHSA approved, where IMHC and Buckskin will be ISHSA approved. Remember to keep an eye out for silent auction items to give to Maria!

– Tack Sale (June 17th)- There were only 7 reservations for tables, so Valerie said there was still room for more if people were still thinking about it.

– Club SWAG- Maria was planning to go into Pullover Prints in person to figure out what was going on with the order process and to get a link uploaded so members could purchase swag.

– Emmett Cherry Festival Children’s Parade (June 16th)- Heather let members know that the parades check-in is at 520pm, it starts at 630pm. The theme is “Cherry Trees and Busy Bees” so it was agreed that the horses would be dressed as bees and the handlers would dress with anything “cherry” related.

– Eagle Library Barnyard Day (July 6th)- Heather relayed that those who participate will be on the lawn out front. It starts at 2pm and goes until 3pm, so she was instructed to get there by 1:15pm for enough time to set up and settle in. It is recommended to share trailers as the parking lot is not very big. Many members signed up to participate.


-Star 4th of July Parade- Heather let members know that the entry fee was $20.00, check-in would be at 9am and the parade starts at 10am. There has been some concern from last year when about half way through, the route got very tight with people and children coming closer. It was discussed if we could have extra members walk the parade without horses to be like a barrier. A couple members volunteered. Jamey made a motion that the club pay the $20.00 fee for the parade. Felicia seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.


-June 10th Buckskin Show (1/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points

-June 17th IMHC Tack Sale @ Whispering Pines Miniature Horse Farm, Nampa, ID- 9am-1pm

-July 1st TVEEC Show @ Birt Arena, Nampa, ID- 10 show points + placing points

-July 4th Star 4th of July Parade, Star, ID. Lineup @ 9am, starts @ 10am- 10 activity points

-July 6th Eagle Public Library Barnyard Day, 100 N Stierman Way, Eagle, ID 83616- 10 activity points

-July 8th IMHC club show (2/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points

-July 14-17 MWMHSPO Breed show in Logan, UT- 10 show points + placing points

-July 22nd Phantasy Phun show (3/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points

-August 12th TVEEC show @ Emmett Fairgrounds, Emmett, ID- 10 show points + placing points

-August 22nd – 23rd Western Idaho Fair Driving Show in Boise, ID- 10 show points + placing points)

-August 25th – 26th Western Idaho Fair Registered Light Horse Show in Boise, ID (In-Hand events only, no driving)- 10 show points + placing points

Door prize was won by Valerie Marshall last time, she forgot and will bring it in July.

Jamey motioned to adjourn the meeting and Maria seconded. Motion passed by the club.

Next meeting will be July 13th at Middleton Place Park, Middleton, ID at 630pm. Please bring a chair if we cannot meet under the shelter.

Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall.


Minutes of May 11th, 2023, at Sharon Dudley’s house, Nampa, ID.

Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Sharon Dudley, Felicia and Amy Humpherys, Jennifer and Louise Green, Tamara Cook, Melody Walker, Tania Laycock, Kathleen Clark, Jamey Robbins, Pam MacFarlane, Donna Gramarossa, Robin Willeman, Janet Fries, Jane Steele, Pat Granere, and Heather and Jim Bunting.
March’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Felicia motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Jane seconded it. Motion passed by the club.
Treasurer’s report: N/A.
– IMHC Skill Building Day (May 13th)- Heather reported that there will be several topics to learn about from members, including driving and harnessing. This will be free to members, but non-member adults will be $10.00 and non-member youth will be $5.00. Starts at 9AM and obstacles will be placed in the outdoor arena for people to practice on throughout the day.
– Drew McDannald Clinic (May 27th)- Sharon said that there is 15 students registered and 8 auditors for the clinic. A total of $1,385 was raised. Update on how the clinic goes will be in the next minutes.
– Club Show (July 8th)- Heather has buckle sponsorship sheets to help with the cost of buckles for the
series. If you would like to sponsor, please get a hold of Heather. It was discussed that the club either needed to hire a show manager, or try to manage without one. Sharon made a motion for the club to hire a show manager for the club’s show in July. Jamey seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.
PNQHA will be running the Ranch classes at all of the Buckskin-Mini-Phun series shows. Phantasy Phun show will not be ISHSA approved, where IMHC and Buckskin will be ISHSA approved. The showbill has been turned in for ISHSA approval. Remember to keep an eye out for silent auction items to give to Maria! The sooner the better!
– Tack Sale (June 17th)- Valerie said she needed to ask Jan how many spots would be available in her barn before opening it up to reservations.
– Emmett Cherry Festival Children’s Parade (June 16th)- Heather let members know that the parades check-in is at 520pm, it starts at 630pm. The theme is “Cherry Trees and Busy Bees” so it was agreed that the horses would be dressed as bees and the handlers would dress with anything “cherry” related. Heather has waivers that need to be signed by each participant if you want to attend.
– Eagle Library Barnyard Day (July 6th)- Heather relayed that those who participate will be on the lawn out front. It starts at 2pm, so she was instructed to get there by 1:15pm for enough time to set up and settle in. It is recommended to share trailers as the parking lot is not very big.
-New Pinto Club Forming- Sharon let members know that Connie Evans had been in the works of getting a charter for a new PINTO club in this area. With her permission, Sharon let the club know about it and to watch out for any new information. It is hoped this new club will bring more Pinto shows around the area.
-ISHSA Fall Double Point- Heather let members know that for ISHSA Fall Double Point they have moved the in-hand trail to Sunday morning (all other mini/pony classes are Saturday). ISHSA has offered to put a $12.00 credit towards showbills for each stall (not one used for tack) to help offset prices for another day.
-May 13th IMHC Skill Building Day @ Birt Arena- 5 activity points-May 27th
Drew McDannald Clinic @ Whispering Pines Miniature Horse Farm, Nampa, ID
-May 27th SDYHC show @ Payette Count Fairgrounds- 10 show points + placing points
-June 2-4 SRMHC Breed show in Blackfoot, ID- 10 show points + placing points
-June 10th Buckskin Show (1/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points
-June 17th
IMHC Tack Sale @ Whispering Pines Miniature Horse Farm, Nampa, ID- 9am-1pm
-June 17th TVEEC show in Parma, ID- 10 show points + placing points
-July 8th IMHC club show (2/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points
-July 14-17 MWMHSPO Breed show in Logan, UT- 10 show points + placing points
-July 22nd Phantasy Phun show (3/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points
-July 22nd TVEEC show in Parma, ID- 10 show points + placing points
-August 22nd- 23rd Western Idaho Fair Driving Show in Boise, ID- 10 show points + placing points)

-August 25th- 26th Western Idaho Fair Registered Light Horse Show in Boise, ID (In-Hand events only, no driving)- 10 show points + placing points.

Door prize was won by Valerie Marshall!
Jamey motioned to adjourn the meeting and Sharon seconded. Motion passed by the club.
Next meeting will be June 8th at Sharon Dudley’s house. 5020 E Feather Creek Lane, Nampa, ID.

Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall.




2023 Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes

Heather Bunting, President Jennifer Green, Vice President

Valerie Marshall, Secretary Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer

Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Maria Redinger

Minutes of April 13th, 2023, at Sharon Dudley’s house, Nampa, ID.

Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Sharon Dudley, Felicia and Amy Humpherys, Jennifer and Louise Green, Tamara Cook, Melody Walker, Sarah Harrigfeld, Tania Laycock, Kathleen Clark, Jamey Robbins, Donna Bernardelli, Priscilla Castillo, Pam MacFarlane, Jennifer Smith, Donna Gramarossa, and Heather and Jim Bunting.

March’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Felicia motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Sharon seconded it. Motion passed by the club.

Treasurer’s report: March’s beginning balance is $5,011.93. Payments are $00.00. Expenses are: $30.00 for ISHSA sanction fee and $40.00 for miscellaneous. Total expenses are $70.00. Outstanding checks are $300.00 for the Idaho Horse Council. $50.00 is still with the secretary. Ending balance for March is $4,641.93. Sharon made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Felicia seconded the motion and it was passed by the club. Sharon also made a motion for the club to pay Jamey R. back $239.76 for paying the GoDaddy fee for the website. Melody seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.


– Idaho Horse Expo(April 7-9th)- Overall review was that the location was better. The noise was a bit much for some horses, but the traffic was better. There are some members that would like to send in an email with suggestions about how the wristbands/tickets could work for those who are volunteering with a club, etc.

– Year-End Awards- Forms have been updated one more time to reflect changes on the Open division, as well as adding activity and show points for online shows and challenges. Please see the website.

– Drew McDannald Clinic (May 27th)- Deposits are due April 15th to Sharon Dudley.

– IMHC Skill Building Day (May 13th)- Heather reported that there will be several to learn about from members, including driving and harnessing. This will be free to members, but non-member adults will be $10.00 and non-member youth will be $5.00. Heather will be reaching out to members to see if they are willing to discuss and teach a topic.

– Club Show (July 8th)- Donna reported that the Mini club show was set with judges. PNQHA will be running the Ranch classes at all of the Who Dun It series shows. Buckskin show still needs one more judge, and Phantasy Phun show will not be ISHSA approved, where IMHC and Buckskin will be ISHSA approved. The showbill is still in the works. Donna brought up having buckle sponsorships to help with the cost. Heather said she would send out an email to those who she thinks would want to sponsor a buckle. If you would like to sponsor a buckle and don’t hear from Heather, please email her.


– Emmett Cherry Festival Children’s Parade (June 16th)- Heather let members know that the parades check-in is at 520pm, it starts at 630pm. Heather will submit an entry for the club (there is no fee) and the theme is “Cherry Trees and Busy Bees”. Please keep an eye on emails as there will be costume advice and more information to come.

– Star 4th of July Parade- It was brought up to see if members would still be interested in participating in the Star 4th of July parade. General consensus was yes, so when more information is available the members will know.


-April 14-16 ISHSA Spring Double Point @ Idaho Horse Park, Mini in-hand classes and driving on April 15th- 10 show points + placing points

-April 22-23 TVW Bombproofing playday @ Birt Arena- 5 activity points

-April 29th Bunny Trail social at Jennifer Green’s, starts at 1pm- 5 activity points

-May 5-7 WISK Breed show @ Caldwell Fairgrounds- 10 show points + placing points each day

-May 13th IMHC Skill Building Day @ Birt Arena- 5 activity points

-May 27th Drew McDannald Clinic @ Whispering Pines Miniature Horse Farm, Nampa, ID

-May 27th SDYHC show @ Payette Count Fairgrounds- 10 show points + placing points

-June 2-4 SRMHC Breed show in Blackfoot, ID- 10 show points + placing points

-June 10th Buckskin Show (1/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points

-June 17th IMHC Tack Sale @ Whispering Pines Miniature Horse Farm, Nampa, ID- 9am-1pm

-June 17th TVEEC show in Parma, ID- 10 show points + placing points

-July 8th IMHC club show (2/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points

-July 14-17 MWMHSPO Breed show in Logan, UT- 10 show points + placing points

-July 22nd Phantasy Phun show (3/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points

Door prize was won by Melody Walker!

Next meeting will be May 11th at Sharon Dudley’s house. 5020 E Feather Creek Lane, Nampa, ID.









Heather Bunting, President                   Jennifer Green, Vice President                                           Valerie Marshall, Secretary                   Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer                                               Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Maria Redinger

Minutes of March 16th, 2023, at Sharon Dudley’s house, Nampa, ID.

Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Sharon Dudley, Felicia Humpherys, Jennifer Green, Tamara Cook, Melody Walker, Robin Willeman, Sarah Harrigfeld, Tania Laycock, Kathleen Clark, Jamey Robbins, Pam MacFarlane, Jennifer Smith, Donna Gramarossa, and Heather and Jim Bunting.

February’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Felicia motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Jamey seconded it. Motion passed by the club.

Treasurer’s report: Not available, as Donna was not present.


– Idaho Horse Expo(April 7-9th): Jamey has sent an email out for people to sign up for turns at the club booth. The club is signed up for a breed spotlight on Friday. If you would like to participate in this let Jamey know. There will be availability for 2-3 drivers, and 4-5 in-handers. As always, help will be wanted to set-up and tear down the booth. Jamey asked the club if she could reimbursed for the purchase of tickets if she needs to purchase them for members to be at the booth. Felicia made a motion that the club reimburses Jamey for any ticket purchasing she may have to do for club members. Sharon seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.

-Drew McDannald Clinic(May 27th): The committee has opened up the driving portion to accommodate 20 drivers (4 groups) and will be updating the forms. Please watch out for the final sign-up sheets to be coming out shortly! Reminder: April 15th deposit is due. May 15th payment is due in full.

-Club show(July 8th): Heather just wanted to remind members to keep an eye out for silent auction items!

-Tack Sale(June 17th): Valerie had no news.

-Award Declarations(Due March 25th): Heather wanted to remind members that declaration forms were due March 25th for points to count from October 24th, 2022 until now. Tamara and Felicia brought up concerns with the open division within the club since ISHSA’s Mini/Pony division only went up to 40” and our club had no cross entering between minis and ponies (up to 38” for minis and up to 48” for ponies). After some discussion, it was decided the committee would meet to either: make the Open division all inclusive (not separated by Mini and Pony, can qualify up to 48”), or let cross entering be allowed with other stipulations.


-In-Hand Clinic and Practice Show(May 13th): Heather threw out an idea that instead of the club hiring judges and clinicians to let this day be a skills building clinic put on by the members. There would be multiple stations for different activities, including but not limited to: showmanship, liberty, trail, parades, show forms, harness fitting, etc. Members liked the idea and also thought there could be in-hand workshops in the morning and driving workshops in the afternoon. More information will be coming out soon.

-Eagle Public Library Barnyard Day(July 6th): Heather brought up that the Eagle Library was going to have a barnyard day on July 6th from 2-3pm. There will be a lot of children there so a bomb-proof and super friendly horse is a must. Around 6 horses in total is all that will be needed. If you want more information or to participate, please let Heather know.

-Cherry Festival(June 16th): Heather wanted to let members know that the Cherry Festival Children Parade was on June 16th and tends to be shorter than the main parade if members wanted to attend.

-Jennifer Smith wanted to extend an invitation to members to come out and have a playday at her arena on March 30-31st, weather depending. Please contact Jennifer if you would like to attend.

-Felicia is now a director of the MWMHSPO club that mainly resides in Utah. She wanted to ask the club if she could have permission to share and possibly use parts of the clubs by-laws to help the MWMHSPO club rewrite their own by-laws. Jamey motioned that the MWMHSPO club could use our by-laws as long as they reference the IMHC if any part is used. Jennifer Smith seconded motion and it was passed by the club.


-March 17th and 24th TVPHC Winter warm-up show series @ Birt Arena- 5 show points + placing points for each show. Halter and Showmanship classes for minis.

-March 25th TVW open driving @ Birt Arena- 5 activity points

-April 7-9th Idaho Horse Expo @ Idaho Horse Park- 5 activity points

-April 14-16th ISHSA Spring Double Point @ Idaho Horse Park, Mini in-hand classes and driving on

April 15th- 10 show points + placing points

-April 22-23rd TVW Bombproofing playday @ Birt Arena- 5 activity points

-April 29th Bunny Trail social at Jennifer Green’s, starts @1pm- 5 activity points

-May 5-7th WISK Breed show @ Caldwell Fairgrounds- 10 show points + placing points each day

-May 13th IMHC In-hand clinic and practice show @ Birt Arena- 5 activity points

-May 27th ISHSA approved SDYHC show @ Payette County Fair Grounds- 10 show points + placing points each day

-May 27th Drew McDannald Clinic @ Whispering Pines Miniature Horse Farm in Nampa- 5 activity points

-June 2-4th SRMHC Breed show in Blackfoot, ID- 10 show points + placing points each day

-June 10th Buckskin Show (1/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points

-June 17th IMHC Tack Sale @ Whispering Pines Miniature Horse Farm in Nampa from 9am-1pm

-June 17th ISHSA approved TVEEC show @ Tresure Valley Equine Center in Parma, ID- 10 show points + placing points

-July 8th IMHC club show (2/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points

-July 14-17th MWMHSPO Breed show in Logan, UT- 10 show points + placing points each day

-July 22nd Phantasy Phun show (3/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points

-July 22nd ISHSA approved TVEEC show @ Treasure Valley Equine Center in Parma, ID- 10 show points + placing points

Door prize was won by Heather Bunting (Priscilla will bring the prize next time since she missed the meeting)!

Next meeting will be April 13th at Sharon Dudley’s house (5020 E Feather Creek Lane, Nampa, ID)

Jamey motioned to adjourn the meeting and Sharon seconded. Motion passed by the club.

Respectfully submitted by your secretary, Valerie Marshall








Minutes of February 9th, 2023, at Sharon Dudley’s house, Nampa, ID.

Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Maria Redinger, Sharon Dudley, Felicia Humpherys, Jennifer Green, Lou Green, Tamara Cook, Jan Gibson, Robin Willeman, Janet Fries, Sarah Harrigfeld, Brenda Paladini, Pam MacFarlane, Jennifer Smith, Donna Gramarossa, Priscilla, Edward, and Dominick Castillo, and Heather and Jim Bunting. Guest: Vicki Williams.

January’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Felicia motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Sharon seconded it. Motion passed by the club.

Treasurer’s report (reported by Heather): January’s beginning balance is $4,806.06. Payments are $315.00 for memberships, $72.00 from swag, and $240.00 from the banquet. Total payments are $627.00. Expenses are: $220.64 to Maria for year-end awards, $25.00 to AMHR, and $150.49 to Barb Miskell for a buckle refund. Total expenses are $396.13. Outstanding checks are $25.00 for AMHA, $60.00 for ISHSA, and $300.00 for the Idaho Horse Council. $50.00 is still with the secretary. Ending balance for January is $4,651.93. Sharon made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Maria seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.


-Donna wanted to let the club know that the auditing committee has delayed meeting for the audit due to covid cases amongst members.

-Drew McDannald Clinic, May 27: The committee has been putting together information and details to produce this clinic. There will be limited availability for those to participate due to the location, that has been graciously volunteered by Jan Gibson! Auditors will not have limited availability, just be sure to bring a chair as there will not be any seating provided. The committee decided to not have lunch be another cost for those who are planning to attend this clinic. Sharon asked if the club would be willing to provide the committee a $200.00 budget to provide lunch for those that audit and participate at this clinic. Felicia made a motion that the club provides a $200.00 budget to the clinic for lunch. Pam seconded the motion and it was passed by the club. Please watch out for the final sign-up sheets to be coming out shortly!

-2023 Declarations/Forms: Valerie M. let the members know that the updated forms are now on the website. Dates were updated and the declarations page was changed slightly. Please be sure to read and follow any guidelines that have published so that you qualify for the awards you declare for! If you have any questions please reach out to Valerie M., Heather, Sharon, or Maria.

-Club show: Heather was provided with the information from Donna B. about the clarification of ISHSA’s new rule referring to whoever signs a check or provides class patterns at a show cannot show at that show. Our club requires two signees on checks, so for our club show we would have to have members who are willing to sign and not show at our show. A few members raised their hands to volunteer for signing and providing patterns. An email will be sent out to clarify who wants to be added onto the bank signees and possibly a backup. Remember to keep an eye out for silent auction items!

-Tack Sale: Valerie asked for members input towards when, where, and how much would be charged for the tack sale. Jan offered her place again and it was decided that we would set the date as June 17th (unless something changes) from 9AM-1PM. Jennifer G. made a motion the time be between 9AM-1PM. Pam seconded the motion and the motion passed by the club. Booth space will be limited and there will be a charge of $10.00 per booth space. This sale will be opened to the public and include anything equine!

-Idaho Horse Expo: Heather updated the club that Jamey will make sign-ups for the club’s booth online again, so watch out for that information. The breed showcase information will be coming out soon. As always, Donna B. and Jamey would appreciate help setting up and taking down the booth when it is time.


-WIF Sponsorship: Heather had received an email asking if the club wanted to sponsor the mini award for the WIF again. Last year the club sponsored $150.00 toward the award. Sharon made a motion that the club sponsor $150.00 towards the mini award again. Maria seconded the motion and the motion was passed by the club.

-Club Swag: Maria has still been waiting to hear back from Pullover Prints regarding prices. Their building was recently condemned and they have just been given access to the building, so information should be coming out shortly. Please watch your email for any updates.

-ISHSA SDP sponsorship: Felicia brought up that ISHSA wanted to know if the club wanted to sponsor awards again for the Spring Double Point show coming up in April. Felicia also wanted to know if the club would sponsor the Youth Mini division, as in the past the club has done Driving Mini/Pony 40” and under and Mini/Pony In-hand 40” and under. Each division sponsorship is $100.00 for Molly Buckles. Sharon made a motion that the club sponsors all three awards in the total of $300.00. Pam seconded the motion and the motion passed by the club.

-Bunny Trail: Jennifer Green asked club members if they wanted to have the Bunny Trail event again this year at her house in Weiser, ID. After some discussion it was decided that it would be April 29th at 1PM. Please watch for more details!


-Feb. 13th TVW open driving @ Birt Arena- 5 activity points

-March 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th TVPHC Winter warm-up show series @ Birt Arena- 5 show points + placing points for each show. Halter and Showmanship classes for minis.

-March 13th TVW open driving @ Birt Arena- 5 activity points

-April 7-9 Idaho Horse Expo @ Idaho Horse Park- 5 activity points

-April 14-16 ISHSA Spring Double Point @ Idaho Horse Park, Mini in-hand classes and driving on April 15th- 10 show points + placing points

-April 22-23 TVW Bombproofing playday @ Birt Arena- 5 activity points

-April 29 Bunny Trail social gathering at Jennifer Green’s in Weiser

-May 5-7 WISK Breed show @ Caldwell Fairgrounds- 10 show points + placing points each day

-May 13th IMHC In-hand clinic and practice show @ Birt Arena- 5 activity points

May 27th IMHC Driving and In-Hand Clinic with Drew McDannald, at Jan Gibson’s

-June 10th Buckskin Show (1/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points

-June 17th IMHC Tack Sale at Jan Gibson’s

-July 8th IMHC club show (2/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points

-July 22nd Phantasy Phun show (3/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points

Door prize was won by Priscilla Castillo!

Next meeting will be March 9th at Sharon Dudley’s house (5020 E Feather Creek Lane, Nampa, ID)

Felicia motioned to adjourn the meeting and Pam seconded. Motion passed by the club.

Respectfully submitted by your secretary, Valerie Marshall



Minutes of January 12th, 2023, at Sharon Dudley’s house, Nampa, ID.

Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Maria Redinger, Jamey Robbins, Donna Bernardelli, Sharon Dudley, Felicia Humpherys, Amy Humpherys, Jane Steele, Jennifer Green, Tamara Cook, Melody Walker, Kathy Clark, Jan Gibson, Valerie Ellis, Brenda Paladini, Tess Eastman, Pam MacFarlane, and Heather and Jim Bunting.

November’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Jamey motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Felicia seconded it. Motion passed by the club.

Treasurer’s report: December’s beginning balance is $6,771.32.                                                  *Payments are $10.00 for memberships. Total payments are $10.00.                        *Expenses are: $113.90 to Molly’s for one more buckle, $25.00 to Maria for a parade fee,          $1,234.74 towards the year-end awards, $67.80 for Ballots/mailing, and $533.82 to              Louie’s Pizza for the banquet. Total expenses are $1,975.26. Outstanding checks are             $0.00.                                                                                                                                                    *Outstanding deposits are in total of $527.00 (includes memberships, banquet fees, and             swag).                                                                                                                                                 *$50.00 is still with the secretary.                                                                                           *Ending balance for December is $5,333.06.                                                                                    Maria had the last of her receipts from the year-end awards totaling $220.64. Sharon made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and pay Maria back. Tamara seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.


-Banquet Review: General consensus is that everyone enjoys having the banquet at Louie’s, but it is super important for people to RSVP when asked so that we can have enough food and a bigger room. The awards were also enjoyed and appreciated. Some ideas for the points/awards committee was seeing if the club could get sponsorships for discounted gift cards to use. The cash payouts were a hit.

-Heather went over the confirmed dates that the club holds with Birt Arena. Confirmed dates include: May 13- In hand clinic and practice show, July 8- IMHC club show, September 9- IMHC Driving playday, and October 21- IMHC Halloween playday.

-Donna wanted to let the club know that the auditing committee will be meeting before February’s meeting.

NEW BUSINESS -Sanction fees: Heather brought up that sanctioned fees were due for different clubs that we are involved in. AMHA ($25.00), AMHR ($25.00), ISHSA ($30.00). Sharon made a motion for the club to pay the dues and Maria seconded the motion. Motion passed by the club.

-2023 Declarations and Points: Valerie M. reported that the committee wanted to move the points deadline to October 5th to give more time to acquire awards. The club agreed that was fine. Valerie M. also let members know to hold off on sending declarations in until the committee can meet and make changes to the forms regarding deadline, awards, and points. Felicia brought up that the Best Stallion award should have more rules to accommodate when it comes to stallions and youth or stallions at different events. It was discussed that IMHC doesn’t have a written rule anywhere regarding stallions and youth handlers, but we do tend to follow AMHR rules and they allow youth to handle junior stallions (under 2 years old). It was also discussed that it is up to the handler to decide if their stallion can behave at certain events and that the rules of the Best Stallion award won’t change.

-Committees: Heather wanted to go over who was and still wanted to be on the club’s committees. Audit: Brenda, Sharon, Robin W., and Donna B., Ballot counting: decided later in the year, By-Laws: Directors, Clinic/Fun Activities: Donna B., Jamey, Heather B., and Maria, SWAG: Maria, Horse Expo: Jamey, Newsletter/Publicity: Pam, Jamey, Maria, and Valerie M., Nominating: assigned in October/November, Show: TBD, VSC: Donna B., Valerie E., and Jennifer G., Year-end awards: Valerie M., Heather, Sharon, and Maria, Year end banquet: Brenda, Youth: Maria, Felicia, and Sharon.

-Club Show and Silent Auction: Heather wanted to get the ball rolling on some assignments. Maria and Valerie M. said they would stay in charge of the silent auction, but extra help is always welcome. Heather let the club know that Molly’s Custom Silver reached out to the club and asked if we would be willing to set up a partnership. All they asked is that the club places their logo on the website and the club will get 2 free buckles to use when they choose. Maria motioned that the club goes forward with Molly’s, and Jamey seconded. Motion passed by the club. It was also brought up that ISHSA’s new rules and regulations needed to be verified before seeing who could be on the show committee and what all it might change. Donna B. said she would send out emails to get verification.

-Tack Sale: Valerie M. brought up if the club would like to see another tack sale. Majority said they would like to have another tack sale, but would like to see it be opened up to all equine equipment instead of just minis/ponies. Valerie M. said she would put together some ideas together to bring to the next meeting.

-Drew McDannald clinic: Sharon and Jan brought up an idea to have Drew McDannald hold a clinic for the club. Jan has graciously opened her arena and extended out this invitation with Drew to the club while he is in the area. Jan has left it up to the club to decide what they would want to do and how much to charge. Drew is not asking for a fee and Jan is not charging for the use of her arena, but if we have enough interest to cover Drew’s flight here that would be greatly appreciated. The clinic would take place Memorial Day weekend (not sure if it would be one or two days). It was decided to create a committee to come up with ideas and a guideline to bring up to the club. Sharon, Jan, Felicia, and Valerie M. will create this committee.

-Business Ads on the IMHC Website: Heather brought up that the club does allow for members to advertise their personal businesses for free and more members should utilize the service. Just send your information, or business card, to anyone on the executive board and they will look it over before posting it on the website.

-Horse Expo 2023: Jamey hadn’t heard about details yet and wanted to make sure the club was still interested in having a booth before going ahead since prices are rising. After some discussion Sharon motioned that the club still have a booth at the expo. Maria seconded the motion and it was passed by the club. Jamey will get more details.

-Sharon reminded members that she would be having a sheet with events that have happened at each meeting to help members keep track of points. So far the sheet has: November 5th- Clicker training clinic, November 26th- Emmett Lighted parade, December 10th- Middleton Christmas parade, December 12th- TVW Open driving, and don’t forget to include any trail excursions or outings to other friends places with your horses.


-Jan. 16th TVW open driving @ Birt Arena- 5 activity points

-Feb. 13th TVW open driving @ Birt Arena- 5 activity points

-March 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th TVPHC Winter warm-up show series @ Birt Arena- 5 show points + placing points for each show. Halter and Showmanship classes for minis.

-March 13th TVW open driving @ Birt Arena- 5 activity points

-April 7-9 Idaho Horse Expo @ Idaho Horse Park- 5 activity points

-April 14-16 ISHSA Spring Double Point @ Idaho Horse Park, Mini in-hand classes and driving on April 15th- 10 show points + placing points

-April 22-23 TVW Bombproofing playday @ Birt Arena- 5 activity points

-May 5-7 WISK Breed show @ Caldwell Fairgrounds- 10 show points + placing points each day

-May 13th IMHC In-hand clinic and practice show @ Birt Arena- 5 activity points

-June 10th Buckskin Show (1/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points

-July 8th IMHC club show (2/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points

-July 22nd Phantasy Phun show (3/3 in Phun-Mini-Buckskin series)- 10 show points + placing points

Door prize was won by Jennifer Green!

Next meeting will be February 9th at Sharon Dudley’s house (5020 E Feather Creek Lane, Nampa, ID)

Jamey motioned to adjourn the meeting and Maria seconded. Motion passed by the club.

Respectfully submitted by your secretary, Valerie Marshall



  • Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes
    Maria Redinger, President Heather Bunting, Vice President Valerie Marshall, Secretary
    Donna Bernadelli, Treasurer Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Pam MacFarlane
    Minutes of November 10th, 2022, at Jennifer Smith’s house, Middleton, ID.
    Maria brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
    Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Maria Redinger, Donna Gramarossa, Jamey Robbins, Donna Bernardelli, Sharon Dudley, Felicia Humpherys, Amy Humpherys, Jennifer Smith, Jane Steele, Jennifer Green, Tania Laycock, Sarah Harrigfeld, and Heather and Jim Bunting.
    October’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Heather motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Jamey seconded it. Motion passed by the club.
    Treasurer’s report: September’s beginning balance is $6,966.74. Payments are $335.00 for the Halloween Hauntings, $10.00 for memberships. Total payments are $345.00. Expenses are: $205.00 to ISHSA open show fee, and $85.42 to the Green family from the VSC committee. Total expenses are $290.42.
    Outstanding checks are $300.00 to Birt Arena. $50.00 is still with the secretary. Ending balance for October is $7,071.32. Jane made a motion to accept the report, and Sharon seconded. Motion passed by the club.
    Heather reported the Halloween playday numbers: $330.00 in entries, $10.00 in memberships, $5.00 donation. Total payment: $ 345.00. Expenses: $200.00 for arena fee.
    -TVW Driving Show: Members that attended all agree that it was fun, laid back, and good for all disciplines and levels of drivers. Sounds like there is possibility of this show happening again next year.
    -Community Outreach Committee: (Possible new committee) This was tabled from the last meeting. Heather contacted the insurance about our policy and what it would take to be able to go to more events. The response was hesitant and, in short, probably not a good idea for our existing policy. Sharon was asked to keep track of more events to let members know, so that they could make their own decision to go to community events without being under the umbrella of the club’s name/insurance.
    -Clicker Training recap: Members that attended this training said that it was informative. It was well attended and can be a good training method for those equine that are very food motivated.
    -Receipts to be given to the Treasurer: Maria brought up that she donated the candy she bought for the Halloween play day, and wouldn’t be asking for reimbursement. Thank you! Maria and Valerie also brought some receipts for upcoming awards: Hodges Badge Company: $98.20, Amazon: $27.12, and Walmart: $157.33. Jennifer Green motioned to pay back for the awards, Felicia seconded. Motion passed
    by the club.
    – Club Debit Card: It was brought up to the club that there had been mentions of getting a debit card for the club to make some transactions easier. Sharon motioned for the club to get a debit card, Jamey seconded it. Motion passed by the club.
    -Year-End Awards Banquet: An email will be going out soon so that an RSVP number can be given to Louie’s. When the email goes out, please respond so that we can give Louie’s an accurate number. Remember there will be a White Elephant exchange, maximum of $15.00 value. Charge for the banquet is $10.00 per person.
    -Emmett Lighted Parade: November 26th.  Staging starts at 4pm, judging at 5pm, and the parade starts at 6pm. A map of where to park, staging area, and route will be provided soon. If interested, the email will also state what we plan to wear.
    -Middleton Holiday Parade: December 10th ,theme is Jingle Bell Rock. The entry fee is $25.00. Jamey made a motion to pay the $25.00 fee, Heather seconded the motion. Motion passed by the club. Look out for emails as to what we will be wearing!

-2023 Show and Clinic Dates: Donna B. had been in contact with Melinda Birt and got our show/clinic dates for 2023. May 13th- Clinic date, June 10th- Buckskin show, July 8th- IMHC show, July 23rd-Phantasy Phun show, September 9th- Driving play day, October 21st- Hallowed Hauntings play day.Donna also let the club know that Birt Arena will be raising fees for next year. The fee for a show will now be $400.00, clinics and play days unknown for now.

-Nominations Committee: Three members (not on the ballot) volunteered to count the ballots. Executive board for 2023 is as follows: President, Heather Bunting, Vice President, Jennifer Green, Secretary, Valerie Marshall, Treasurer, Donna Bernardelli, 2 yr. Director, Jamey Robbins. Finishing their last year as a Director, Sharon Dudley, and Past President Director: Maria Redinger. Congratulations!
-Sharon brought up that she would like to start bringing a checklist to the meetings so that it will help members keep track of events for point tabulation. Members agreed it sounded like a good idea.
-It was brought up that members would like to see that you could earn points for helping and working at shows or clinics. The points/awards committee will be looking into it!
-November 26th, Emmett Lighted Parade. More details to come. (Counts as a Fun Activity for 10 points, for 2023)
-December 3rd, IMHC Year-end Banquet. At Louie’s Italian Restaurant, 1:30pm (2500 E Fairview Ave., Meridian, ID 83642) $15.00 maximum White Elephant gift!
-December 10th, Middleton Holiday Parade, Jingle Bell Rock theme. (Counts as a Fun Activity for 10 points, for 2023)
Door prize will start back again in January 2023 with Sharon!
Next meeting will be January 12th at Sharon Dudley’s (17155 North Star, Nampa- Please turn on E Feather Creek to get to the house), 6:30pm. Please bring a chair as furniture may be limited. Heather motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jamey seconded. Motion passed by the club.
Respectfully submitted by your secretary, Valerie Marshall



Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes

Maria Redinger, President      Heather Bunting, Vice President        Valerie Marshall, Secretary

Donna Bernadelli, Treasurer Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Pam MacFarlane

Minutes of October 13th, 2022, at Middleton Place Park, Middleton, ID.

Maria brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

Those in attendance: Jamey Robbins, Valerie Marshall, Maria Redinger, Sharon Dudley, Robin Willeman, Donna Gramarossa, Tania Laycock, Jane Steele, Felicia Humpherys, Tamara Cook, Jennifer Smith, and Heather and Jim Bunting.

September’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Felicia motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Sharon seconded it. Motion passed by the club.

Treasurer’s report: Donna was unable to attend, but over the phone she let the members know that September’s ending balance is $6,966.74. Sharon motioned to accept the report, and Jamey seconded. Motion passed by the club.


-Mini/Pony Driving Playday Re-Cap: Everyone had fun and said it was laid back. There is interest to have another one next year.

-Hallowed Hauntings Playday: Flyer has been posted, set up should start at 9, sign up starts at 930, and games begin at 10AM.

-Points Deadline: Points are to be submitted by midnight on October 21st, 2022 to Valerie or Maria, or the club email imhcbusiness1993@gmail.com. (See below info.)


-Year-End Awards: We will be in the bar area this year, which is still closed off separately from everything else. Copies of the menu were passed around to vote on what would be served. The menu was voted on as is: Caesar salad, lasagna w/ meat sauce, and fettuccine w/ Alfredo sauce. Dessert needs to be looked into. The Banquet will be at Louie’s off of Eagle and Fairview in Meridian at 1:30PM. White Elephant gift exchange will have a $15 max. Heather made a motion that it should cost $10 per person and the club will pay the difference, as well as the tip. Jane seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.

Just a reminder: Year-end is coming up and the points/awards committee wants the members to not forget to nominate members for the Super-Star Award! The Super-Star award is based on merit. No declaration is required, as it is going to be up to the committee and club members to watch for any members throughout the year who stand out. Please let Valerie, Heather, Sharon, or Maria know if you would like to nominate a member and why, or email IMHCbusiness1993@gmail.com with the members name and why you think they deserve the award.

-Points Deadline: It was brought up by some members that they would appreciate an extension on points to include the Treasure Valley WHIPS Driving show to count for points this year. This would push the deadline to October 24th, 2022. Sharon motioned to have the deadline pushed back by a few days, Jamey seconded the motion. Motion passed by the club.

-Possible New Committee: “Community Outreach Committee”- Sharon brought up that she would like to see if there is any interest within the club to start another committee that would be all about going to events within communities all around the Treasure Valley. Examples could be festivals, store openings, more parades, and many more. There did seem to be some interest, but it was also brought up that our insurance should be looked over to see what this could do to our coverage and premium. It was decided to table any more discussion on the matter until Heather can look into the insurance aspect and get some more details.

-Nominations Committee: The committee presented the nominees for the 2023 elections.

President- Maria Redinger or Heather Bunting

Vice President- Maria Redinger or Heather Bunting or Felicia Humpherys or Jennifer Green

Treasurer- Donna Bernardelli

Secretary- Valerie Marshall

2 year Director- Jamey Robbins or Robin Willeman

Sharon will send out ballots soon and they will be sent to Donna Gramarossa, or brought to the next meeting in November. Tamara motioned to accept the slate of nominees, have Sharon send them out, and have them sent to Donna G., Jeniffer Smith seconded the motion. Motion passed by the club.

-Treasure Valley WHIPS Driving show: Jamey mentioned that the WHIPS club had asked to use the club’s radios for their upcoming show. The WHIPS club has let us use their driving cones in the past and Jamey wanted to ask the club. Heather made a motion that our club lets the WHIPS club use our radios for their upcoming show. Felicia seconded the motion and it was passed by the club.

-Emmett Lighted Parade: Heather brought up that the Emmett lighted parade to see if the club would be interested in entering that when they sent out the entry forms. She wanted to ask now in case they sent out forms before the next meeting. There was enough interest that the club voted on Heather filling out an entry form for the club when they come out. There is no entry fee.

-Club SWAG: Some members brought up ordering SWAG and Maria said she would bring ordering forms at the banquet in December. Members also asked about decals and Jamey Robbins said she could do car decals of the club logo. If you would like more information about the decals please contact Jamey Robbins.


-Oct. 15 IMHC Hallowed Hauntings (In-Hand Playday), Birt Arena

-Oct. 22-23 TVW Driving Fall Show, Birt Arena

-Dec. 3 IMHC Year End Banquet, Louie’s Pizza and Italian Restaurant (2500 E Fairview Ave., Meridian) 1:30pm

Next meeting will be November 10th, 2022 at Jennifer Smith’s house, 6:30pm (1323 N KCID Rd., Middleton, ID)

Heather motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jamey seconded. Motion passed by the club.

Respectfully submitted by your secretary, Valerie Marshall






Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes

Maria Redinger, President Heather Bunting, Vice President

Valerie Marshall, Secretary Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer

Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Pam MacFarlane

Minutes of September 8th, 2022, at Middleton Place Park, Middleton, ID.

Heather brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M, in place of the president being absent.

Those in attendance: Jamey Robbins, Donna Bernardelli, Sharon Dudley, Felicia and Amy Humpherys, Tamara Cook, Jennifer Smith, Pam MacFarlane, and Heather and Jim Bunting.

July’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Donna B. motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Felicia seconded it. Motion passed by the club.

Treasurer’s report: August’s beginning balance is $9,150.27. Payments are $600.00 from Barb towards the Buckles, and $80.00 as late auction money. Total payments are $6800.00. Expenses are: $0.00. Total expenses are $0.00. Outstanding checks are $300.00 to Birt Arena. $50.00 is still with the secretary. Ending balance for August is $8,900.27. Expenses that have not yet been paid or motioned on: $85.42 to Donna B. for the VSC, $600.00 for Buckles in the series, $205.00 to ISHSA for show fees, and $$$ for Insurance.

July show report: Income: $34.00 in Donations, $1,320.00 from the silent auction, $3,572.00 in Entry Fees. Total income: $4,926.00. Expenses: $956.25 in total for 3 judges, $300.00 for Birt Arena Fee, $250.00 for Secretary, $205.00 for ISHSA fees, $45.00 for misc (food for crew), $400.00 to IBHA. Total expenses: $2,156.25. Difference: $2,768.75.

Sharon made a motion to accept the report, and Jamey seconded. Motion passed by the club.


-IMHC July Show: There was positive feedback with having driving classes first thing in the morning. There was also discussion of how to run trail classes differently so that the judge isn’t sitting outside doing nothing most of the day. Some thoughts were making a sign-up sheet for when someone did their trail class and to have one walk through only at a specific time. Someone suggested reaching out to Lori Lynne since she is a trainer and seeing how she thought it would work. More discussions to be had. Some issues at the show were finding help at the Ranch gate and making sure we had enough scribes.

-Show committee is planning to start meeting in January of 2023.


-Driving Playday: Starts at 10AM and will have an open house format.

-Points Deadline is October 21st, 2022. Keep an eye out for a tutoring session on points coming soon.

-Year-End Awards: Year-end is coming up and the points/awards committee wants the members to not forget to nominate members for the Super-Star Award! The Super-Star award is based on merit. No declaration is required, as it is going to be up to the committee and club members to watch for any members throughout the year who stand out. Please let Valerie, Heather, Sharon, or Maria know if you would like to nominate a member and why, or email IMHCbusiness1993@gmail.com with the members name and why you think they deserve the award.

-Nominations Committee: Nominations need to be made and the nominations committee needs to make sure there are 3 people who can help reach out to those that are eligible to run for office. Valerie will get the list to the committee so that can phone calls can be made.


-Sept. 10 IMHC Driving playday, Birt Arena, 10AM

-Sept. 23-25 ISHSA Fall Double Point, Idaho Horse Park

-Oct. 15 IMHC Hallowed Hauntings (In-Hand Playday), Birt Arena

Next meeting will be October 13th at Middleton Place Park, 6:30pm – Weather depending. Please bring a chair as we will meet under some trees to be in the shade.

Jamey motioned to adjourn the meeting and Tamara seconded. Motion passed by the club.

Minutes taken by Sharon Dudley in Valerie’s absence.

Respectfully submitted by your secretary, Valerie Marshall


Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes

Maria Redinger, President Heather Bunting, Vice President Valerie Marshall, Secretary
Donna Bernadelli, Treasurer Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Pam MacFarlane

Minutes of July 7th, 2022, at Middleton Place Park, Middleton, ID.
Maria brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Maria Redinger, Donna Gramarossa, Jamey Robbins, Donna
Bernardelli, Sharon Dudley, Felicia Humpherys, Jane Steele, Jennifer Green, Tania Laycock, Rene
Gunderson, Robin Willeman, Tamara Cook, and Heather and Jim Bunting.
June’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Heather motioned to accept the minutes as they were published,
and Jennifer seconded it. Motion passed by the club.
Treasurer’s report: June’s beginning balance is $6,218.79. Payments are $0.00. Total payments are $0.00.
Expenses are: $19.87 to Jamey Robbins for food at the clinic, $125.00 to Butch Mowdy for being the
judge at the clinic, and $20.00 to Heather Bunting for paying the Star Parade entry fee. Total expenses are
$164.87. Outstanding checks are $388.40 to IBBA for Buckles. $50.00 is still with the secretary. Ending
balance for June is $5,665.52. Heather made a motion to accept the report, and Felicia seconded. Motion
passed by the club.

-Star Parade: Voting is open online through July 18th.  There were lots of people at the parade spectating, and that brought up discussions of over crowding in the streets and stressing that horses should be “bomb-proof” and used to noises, children, etc. Dressing up the horses the same and the members the same was a good idea amongst the members.
-Mini Open Show: Maria would like to collect as many silent auctions as possible before the show. There will be a set up for the silent auction on Friday night between 6-7pm. Jamey is taking pre-entries until the day of the show, and then the rest will be done in-hand on the grounds with Barb Miskell.

– Points Tracking: Maria asked if any members would be interested in setting up a day to go over points tracking and see if anyone had questions. There were a few people interested, so Valerie said she would try to make a date work in early August.
-LEAD Program: Maria wanted to see if the club members would be interested in pairing up with the LEAD program when they are at tents in front of other businesses, and to bring minis for people to pet. It was discussed that more information was needed and if this would be something the club would have to make insurance aware of.
-SWAG: Maria has sent an email to Pullover Prints and should know prices soon, so please keep a lookout for an email with more information.
-”Redneck Showmanship”: Felicia brought up a video she saw of a club doing “Redneck Showmanship” and thought that the Halloween Haunting should have a class like it. The club thought it was a fun idea and the committee would take it into consideration.

-July 9th
– IMHC Open Show, ISHSA Approved, Al Birt Arena, Nampa. Second show in Buckskin series.
-July 10th
– TVWC Driving Playday, Birt Arena, Nampa, ID
-July 15th- 17th MWMHSPO Northern Xposure AMHR/ASPC Sanctioned show, Logan, UT.

-July 23rd – Phantasy Phun Open show, Al Birt Arena, Nampa. Third and final show in Buckskin series.

-August 23rd-24th Western Idaho Fair Driving portion, August 26th Western Idaho Fair in-hand portion
(halter, showmanship, and trail). Please visit the website (www.idahofair.com) for more information and entry deadline.

Rene won the door prize!
Next meeting will be August 11th at Middleton Place Park, 6:30pm – Weather depending. Please bring a chair as we will meet under some trees to be in the shade.
Heather motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jamey seconded. Motion passed by the club.
Respectfully submitted by your secretary, Valerie Marshall





Idaho Miniature Horse Club General Meeting Minutes

Maria Redinger, President            Heather Bunting, Vice President
Valerie Marshall, Secretary              Donna Bernardelli, Treasurer
Directors: Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, and Pam MacFarlane

Minutes of June 9th, 2022, at Middleton Place Park, Middleton, ID.

Maria brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Maria and Brock Redinger, Donna Gramarossa, Pam MacFarlane, Jamey Robbins, Donna Bernardelli, Sharon Dudley, Felicia and Amy Humpherys, Jennifer Green, Jennifer Smith, Tania Laycock, Loretta Hall, Kathleen Clark, and Heather and Jim Bunting.

May’s secretary minutes were reviewed. Heather motioned to accept the minutes as they were published, and Jamey seconded it. Motion passed by the club.

Treasurer’s report: May’s beginning balance is $5,783.79. Payments are $50.00 in memberships and $635.00 from the clinic/show proceeds. Total payments are $685.00. Expenses are: $0.00. Outstanding checks are $250.00 to Western Idaho Fair awards and $388.40 to IBBA for Buckles. $50.00 is still with the secretary. Ending balance for May is $5,830.39. Felicia made a motion to accept the report, and Sharon seconded. Motion passed by the club.


-Show Committee: The club show is coming up on July 9th and more silent auction items would be greatly appreciated! A sign-up sheet for jobs at the show was passed around. Donna B. is still looking for a show secretary.

-In-Hand Clinic May 14th: General consensus was great! Feedback was that the clinic and show were ran very well and everyone learned a lot! Some people thought that the clinic was one long duration without any breaks, so that is something to consider changing. Income in fees was $685.00 and $50.00 in memberships. After expenses were paid there was a $265.00 profit made!

-Treasure Valley WHIPS Driving Clinic: A couple members participated in this clinic and said they enjoyed it!

– September Driving Playday: Currently looking at games to add to the fun. There will be ground driving opportunities so that any level of driver and horse can participate.

– SWAG: A few new members and existing ones have mentioned they wanted more swag. Maria asked everyone at the meeting what they would be interested in. General consensus was more T-shirts, baseball hats, zipper hoodies, and possibly beanies. Maria said she would get in contact with Pullover Prints about prices and other information.

– Star July 4th Parade: It was discussed that as a club we should try to be more uniform in our decorations. Some ideas were discussed about how to dress our horses and ourselves for the parade. It was decided that the members would wear blue jeans and club shirts (red shirts if you don’t have a club shirt). We will need a pooper scooper and someone that is willing to help shuttle everyone after we park our trailers before the parade. The parade starts at 10AM and there is a $20.00 registration fee. Jamey motioned for the club to pay the registration fee and Pam seconded. Motion passed by the club.

– ISHSA: It was brought up that rule proposals for ISHSA are due by August 1st.


-June 25th Buckskin Show, Al Birt Arena, Nampa. First of a three show series.

-July 1st – 3rd Mustang Mania, Horse Park, Nampa.

-July 4th – Star 4th of July Parade, Star.

-July 9th – IMHC Open Show, ISHSA Approved, Al Birt Arena, Nampa. Second show in Buckskin series.

-July 15th – 17th MWMHSPO Northern Xposure AMHR/ASPC Sanctioned show, Logan, UT.

-July 23rd – Phantasy Phun Open show, Al Birt Arena, Nampa. Third and final show in Buckskin series.

Sharon won the door prize!

Next meeting will be July 7th at Middleton Place Park, 6:30pm – Weather depending. Please bring a chair as we will meet under some trees to be in the shade.

Heather motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jamey seconded. Motion passed by the club.

Respectfully submitted by your secretary, Valerie Marshall




Minutes of May 12th, 2022, at Robin Willeman’s house, Meridian, ID.

Maria brought the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

Those in attendance: Valerie Marshall, Maria and Brock Redinger, Donna Gramarossa, Pam MacFarlane, Jamey Robbins, Sharon Dudley, Robin Willeman, Janet and Ken Fries, Felicia and Amy Humpherys, Jennifer Green, Jane Steele, Valerie Ellis, and Heather and Jim Bunting.

April’s secretary minutes were passed out and reviewed. Sharon motioned to accept the minutes as they were read, and Jane seconded it. Motion passed by the club.

There was no treasurer’s report as the treasurer was absent.


-Show Committee: Maria reminded everyone that the club’s show this year is in July. Silent auction items are needed and very much appreciated, as the club makes a lot of money from it every year. Items do not need to be horse related. Please contact Maria if you would like to donate to the silent auction as she wants items/baskets before the show. The showbill has been sent to ISHSA and final details are in the works.

-In-Hand Clinic May 14th: Butch has agreed to be the judge for the entire “mock show” after the clinic. Clinicians are: Butch Mowdy, Paul Hyde, Maria Redinger, Felicia Humpherys, Jamey Robbins, and Valerie Marshall. Maria asked for permission to bring the club’s ribbons to hand out for placings as the club has plenty. The club agreed to use them at the clinic.

-WISK: Those that went to WISK said it was fun and low stress! There were about 173 horses. If you would like to recount your experience Pam would love to hear from you and include it in the next newsletter!

NEW BUSINESS -Star 4th of July Parade is getting closer, please keep a watch out for any information as it becomes available.

-It was brought up that the Paint Horse Club is looking into trying to have another ISHSA open show down in Emmett. Information will be brought to the club when it is known.


-May 28th ISHSA Open show, New Plymouth, ID

-June 4th PNQHA Open show, Mountain View Training Stables, Middleton, ID

-June 4-5, SRMHC AMHR/ASPC sanctioned show, Blackfoot, ID

Maria won the door prize!

Next meeting will be June 9th at Middleton Place Park, 6:30pm – Weather depending.

Heather motioned to adjourn the meeting and Valerie seconded. Motion passed by the club.

Respectfully submitted by your secretary, Valerie Marshall

ade by the October meeting, so it can be counted at the November meeting. Donna G., Jane S., and Lois C. are on the committee.

Tack Swap/Sale – Valerie brought the idea of a club tack swap/sale to the club. Club liked the idea and figured a date sometime after the play day would be best. Some ideas were if it should be opened to the public or stay within the club. If it is opened to the public, should people pay for a spot? A place also needs to be decided on.

Felicia brought up some of the ISHSA rule changes that were submitted. One was that those driving in Youth Roadster should wear helmets. That was voted as a no. They believed it was of personal preference for the youth/parents to make. Another proposal was for changes for gait calls in driving classes. That was voted as a no. They are sticking to the PtHA gait calls. The last proposal sent in regarding minis was that headers should be allowed in all driving classes (including Roadster) at line up for safety reasons. That was voted as a yes.

Door prize was won by Janet Fries.


September 11th – IDAMHC/Who Dun It Open Horse Show, Birt Arena, Nampa, ID
September 11th – PNQHA Ranch Show, Mountainview Arena (POSTPONED)
September 24th-26th – ISHSA Fall Double Point Open Horse Show, Idaho Horse Park, Nampa, ID
October 16th – IDAMHC Hallowed Hauntings In Hand Play Day, Birt Arena, Nampa, ID
Next meeting will be October 14th at Jennifer Smith’s house (1323 N KCID Rd., Middleton, ID) at 630pm.

Jamey motioned to adjourn the meeting, and Heather seconded. Motion passed, meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by your Secretary, Valerie Marshall